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Vadose zone journal author instructions jama: >> << (Download)
Vadose zone journal author instructions jama: >> << (Read Online)
Official Full-Text Paper (PDF): Water tracing through the vadose zone above Postojnska Jama, Slovenia. Cite this publication. Janja Kogovsek . exists a large base of information including detailed . higher. The Kristalni rov passage, Stara jama passage and the . 75 minutes after initiation of the test, when the authors.
Co-authors The worldwide costs of marine protected areas Vadose Zone Journal 11 (1), 0-0, 2012 Shared values and deliberative valuation: Future directions Economic benefits of invasive Australian Red Claw crayfish in Jamaica.
Vadose Zone Journal This form is simply a request for information and in no way obligates you or For more information please visit or
Holocene meteoric dolomitization of Pleistocene limestones, North Jamaica Search for more papers by this author. First published: August 1973 Full publication history; DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.1973.tb01619.xView/save citation Pleistocene rocks presently in the vadose zone are relatively unaltered, and consist of
2, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, journal, 2.132 Q1, 164, 315, 1123, 19288, 5774 20, Vadose Zone Journal, journal, 0.999 Q1, 61, 87, 365, 5299, 771, 358
This process has important implications for cementation studies in arid zones (and biomineralization leading to fossilization within a perched, vadose karst.
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