Tuesday 17 October 2017 photo 2/15
Printoutputcontroller example: >> http://qak.cloudz.pw/download?file=printoutputcontroller+example << (Download)
Printoutputcontroller example: >> http://qak.cloudz.pw/download?file=printoutputcontroller+example << (Read Online)
Returns the PrintOutputController object used to export this document to a different format. java.lang.String, getRecordSelectionFormula() Gets the record
Apr 4, 2016 VS 2015and CR v13,SP16i am using user defined paper 12 x 14 cm, when print using PrintOutputController. below is my sample code:.
Please find the peace of sample code to print the report (Using sample C# application) private void Print(object PrintOutputController printout;
Jun 15, 2011 Here's an example of showing the PrintDialog settings some parameters PrintOutputController printOutputController = new CrystalDecisions.
how to set PrintOutputController.PrintReport equivalent to this cryRpt.PrintToPrinter(1, false, 1, 1);
There is sample code for saving an exported CSV file that you might be able to PrintOutputController printOutputController = reportClientDoc.
login and ReportDocument has. Here is a code sample PrintOutputController Dim m_ByteArray As CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.
Jul 10, 2003 Retrieve the PrintOutputController from the ReportClientDocument . I was following the above example and converted all that i could to
PrintOutputController.PrintReport(rasPROpts); MessageBox. Get or Request Code Sample from Microsoft Please remember to mark the
Use the report documents PrintOutputController to export the report to a . Let me give you an example of something that gives a null pointer