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History Books For Ias General Studies ->>>
i thought it might be from Aug 2014 up to aug 2015After my second attemptToday we are surrounded by so many distractions and it is easier to fall prey temptations and end up wasting timeEconomy, Food Processing etcCivil Service Prelims: 6 Month Strategy Part 2Times of india is good this? Reply keerthi says: November 4, 2015 at 8:16 pm sir how many years of preparation is required to become an IASAll best! Reply arc says: May 2, 2015 at 8:10 pm Thanks a lot sir! Reply sai says: June 4, 2013 at 10:57 am thanku sirQCandidate ProfileEducationIntroductionElectronic Vs Paper materialTempo and styleWorking (CSAT) General studiesPrelims (CSAT) AptitudePrelim accuracyMains: language paperMains: EssayMains General studies paper 1 to 4General Studies (Mains) paper 1General studies (Mains) paper 2General studies (Mains) Paper 3General Studies 4: Ethics, Integrity, aptitudeMains answer-writing?Mains Optional SubjectBefore the interviewDuring the interviewCSE-2013 MarksheetViews on UPSC reformsWisdomCredit: Friends/familyBOGUS Marketing Propaganda
therefore i want effective study in less timeQ6QThe competition is scary and statistically speaking the chances of getting into top 100 is extremely remoteNow i have choosen BWe hardly have any time to do such stunts in the examination hall !I will be thankful to you sir
Reply mohamed salman says: April 24, 2016 at 1:42 pm Hello sir I am salman now iam finished 1 year cs and 2yrs to complete my ug course .then I want to prepare for civil service xam in what manner I will prepare Reply sriram chandra das says: May 3, 2016 at 10:57 am Namaskar!!!!! Sir, I would like to say u with my pleaset that thank u very much for give us various valuable informition of about iasAny word wisdom / about medical checkup?&&&&.Thanking you&&And also guide me for my future study&&Reply AVODH ANIL RAJ says: December 28, 2015 at 3:57 pm dear sir, i am student of ece from government engg colege cbsa,my name is avodh anil raj.iam a 2nd yr stud of b tech,do u sujjest me laxmikant best for optional, ans the hindu megazineDid you follow the introduction-body-conclusion format? because some mains-qualified candidates claim they simply wrote the points they could recall within the time, instead of bothering with proper introduction and conclusionMathematics is a very scoring and fun optionalMains General studies paper 1 to 4 8ca7aef5cf