February 2008
R.I.P. Nalle
Come on, oh my star is fading
And I see, no chance of release
And I know I'm dead on the surface
But I'm screaming underneath
(första tre bokstäverna i ditt namn + izzle)
(favoritmat + favoritdjur)
Thai Sköldpadda
Hållt på o rensat musiken på min dator i 2 o en halvtimme nu, jag har bara kommit halvvägs på a? Sjukt jobbigt..
dessa har hittills fått stanna kvar.
A perfect
"Do you realize
I can't sleep without you
Think without you
Eat without you
Speak without you
Be without you
I can't even breathe without you
I can't feel without you
Deal without y
Mario Vazques, han ligger på ngn mapp i A, fråga mig inte varför.
"You tell your friends
Call'em up
Make'em understand
And if they ask
Let'em know
Tell'em I'm your man
All Saints
"I need a man to be a real man now
Take noteof what I got in store
Always finish what you start baby
And always having me beg for more
You know I wanna be a diggy down boy
But I don
Smashing Pumpkins var under Acoustic mappen :S
"Now I'm naked, nothing but an animal
But can you fake it, for just one more show
And what do you want, I want to change
And what have you got
Anna Ternheim
"Who could possibly save
Save us from madness?
Love is the common name
Again we depend on the one to blame"
Arcade Fire, vill tillbaka och se dem live igen!!! :(
"Ice has covered up my parents eyes
Don't know how to see
Don't know how to cry
Growing up in some strange storm
Nobody's cold, nobody'
Arctic Monkeys. jag vet att DU älskar dem sötis!
"You sold your soul to the fashion
You're a Topshop princess, a rockstar too
Where's the love and the passion?
Oh I suppose that's noth
Denna uttrycker precis så som jag känner mig. Trött. Så nu skippar jag musiken tills imon.
Går o gör iordning, ska på party hos Hanna YAY! Träffa hennes