7 January 2008
dagen börjar med photoshoplekar!
(vänligen ignorera att jag är lite vindögd)
Idag kommer det folk hit
Men innan dess ska jag leka med smink i några timmar, det blir kul.
Smink och photoshop.
(suger på det ena, är någorlunda bra på det andra)
Ungefär såhär, fast med lugg och hår, blev själva sminkningen.
Jag vet, den är apdålig ^___^
Nu ska vi leka med photoshop på bilderna.
from the day my love started, i begun to change
when i was just staring at you
you were always standing in that garden, looking lonely
as you stared at nothing but the scattering flowers...
my unfullfilled wish made another wound in my aching heart
this reality bound up before my eyes still haunts me all the while
so that only the stifling atmosphere will
not forget me now
GARDEN wishing that someday I'll be able to meet you always
GARDEN in the midst of this passing season, forever... you will...
the sorrowfully withering flowers that have seen a thousa
I want to forget, I don't want to forget, these contradictory feelings
subdued, I stand here all by myself
lonely, with only the snow to colour the scenery, but
still, always, so that I will not fo
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