Thursday 8 September 2011 photo 5/16
här är all info om 1.8 updateringen så som den ser ut nu...
Fixes and Changes:
Shift+Click on items will work correctly.[5]
Labels for items will be added.[6]
Redstone circuits not working after /time set x glitch going to be fixed in SMP.[7]
User placed leaf blocks won't decay.[8]
Clouds won't go through buildings anymore.[9][10]
Rain and snow will now render faster.[11]
Cloud movement syncs with the time.[12]
Ghast attack sounds will be fixed in SMP.[13]
Skeletons now hold full-size bows.[14] (found at 7:00)
Skeleton arrows originate from about their eyes to the bow, instead of above the head.
The snout on pigs will protrude from their head.[15]
Pressing F will no longer alter render distance/fog, but will still be adjustable from the options screen.[16][17]
Passive mobs will randomly flee if attacked by the player or other mobs. [18]
More Mob-To-Mob interactions. [19]
At least 9 new crafting recipes.[20]
Stone Brick.[21]
Stone Brick Slabs.[22]
Stone Brick Stairs.[23][24]
Brick Slabs.[22]
Brick Stairs.[23][24]
Fence Gates.[25] [26] (around 0:52)
The ability to place pressure plates on fences.[12] (around 19:55 in)
Different game modes.[27]
Creative mode.[12] (around 3:10 in)
Flying in Creative mode.[12][28]
Able to change time quickly and easily.[12] (around 6:00 in) Note:Notch is in debug mode[12] (around 5:36 in)
You will get unlimited resources in Creative mode.[12] (around 11:20 in)
A new screen, the Unlimited Item Selection screen.[29]
At least three new mobs.
New Enderman mob.[30][31]
They take damage from water.[12] (around 32:10 in)[28]
They emit black smoke particles.[28]
New Silverfish mob.[12] (around 13:10 in)
Very rare.[12] (around 13:10 in)
Will spawn rarely when mining a block.
New Blue Spider mob.[32]
They spawn in Abandoned Mine Shafts.[33]
Their attacks are venomous, and turn the player's health yellow upon being poisoned.[34]
Have a unique mob spawner.
They are smaller than regular spiders.[32]
Zombies drop a new item instead of feathers,[35][36] Rotten Flesh.[12] (around 11:40 in)
New features in the terrain generator; things which will only appear in new worlds/chunks.[37]
Optional[38] NPC Villages[39] with farms[40] and "town borders".[41][42]
Possibility of players to "claim" land in villages.[43]
Wells for villages.[44]
Made of: Cobblestone, Mossy Cobblestone, Wooden Planks, Wood, Torches, Cobblestone Stairs, Gravel, Fence, Glass and/or Glass Panes, Ladders, Wooden Doors, Crops, Farmland, Water, Lava, Furnaces, Iron Bars, Black Wool, and Pressure Plates.[12] (around 3:50 - 4:30; 19:30 - 20:00)
Contain "Smithies".[45]
Will spawn only on flat areas.[46]
Underground Ravines including canyons on the surface and ledges to walk on.[47][48][49] (about 24:00 in)
Strongholds,[50] consisting of 4 new blocks: Stone Brick, Mossy Stone Brick, Cracked Stone Brick, and Iron Bars.[51]
Abandoned Mine Shafts.[12] (around 13:55 in)[49] (about 25:55 in)
Naturally found Cobweb.[12] (around 13:55 in)
Totally new, fractal-based[52] biome code.[53]
7 new biomes.[12] (around 24:25)
New "Mushroom biome".[54] which will include Huge Mushrooms, both brown and red.[55]
Rivers flowing through/in between biomes.[56]
Ocean Biomes, that are deeper and larger than before.[57]
Mountain biomes.[12] (around 29:15)
Swamp biome.[58]
Possibly new rainforest biomes.
Possible Volcanoes.[12] (around 22:00)
Larger Biomes.[59]
New combat Mechanics.[39]
Hold-to-charge bows.[60]
3 different charged states; takes less than 1 second to fully charge.[12] (around 5:05 in)
Fully charged bows causes the player to walk slower.[14] (around 5:40 in)
Critical hits.[61]
When the player hits a mob while jumping.
When the bow is fully charged.
Player blocking attack animation and hostile mob attack animations, possibly more player animations.[62][63]
Block "stance".[28]
New farming options, more interesting farming.[61][64][65]
This could be the Cocoa Bean tree Jeb was talking about.[39]
Plantable pumpkins and melons, each with a central stem that grows to max size and spawns a fruit next to it.[66]
Melon Seeds.
Pumpkin Seeds.
Animal breeding.[67]
New Food System.
There is now a food meter.[68][69]
Food no longer heals directly but indirectly.[68]
If the food meter is above a certain point, heals about every 5 seconds.[12] (around 31:00)
Food will be stackable.[70][71][72]
Food takes 1.6 seconds to consume.[68]
There is now a food eating animation.[12][68][73] (around 5:30 in)
5 new food items.[74]
Cooked Chicken.[75]
Raw Chicken.[76]
Has a chance to "give you a disease".[77][78]
Raw Beef.[72][79][80]
Melon Slices.[81]
Cooked Porkchops have a different texture.[72]
New achievements.
Kill a skeleton with an arrow at 50 meters.[82]
Possibly attempting Shoot the Moon with an arrow.[83]
Sprinting: By double pressing the forward button, the player will move faster.[84]
Sprinting will be limitless, but will deplete your food bar.[85]
Hitting a mob while sprinting sends them flying[86] about 8 blocks.[12] (around 7:50 in)
Jumping while sprinting boosts the jump to a length of 4 blocks.[85][87]
Sprinting makes particles come up from the ground.[88]
Glass Panes.[89]
Can be mined and picked up without breaking.[90] (about 1:45 in)
Possibly Spike blocks, Jeb initially considered Spike Pistons, but then pondered making a Spike block that can be pushed by the Sticky Piston.[91]
Arrows will get stuck on mobs when they hit.[92]
Vine blocks.[93]
They will not be climbable.[94]
Player can walk through them.[95]
Improved chest model with a 3D lock and an open state/animation.[96]
The ability to convert Creative worlds to Survival worlds ingame.[97]
Graphics / UI / Audio:
C418 mentioned new Minecraft music.[98]
New improved lighting — day/night cycles will not require chunk updates.[99] Lighting will be updated via a texture, whose coordinates are the block's sky light and block light levels.[100]
Warmer light from torches.[101]
Moonlight is blue.[12]
New texture for Moss Stone.[102]
Sliders for field of view and Brightness in video options.[103][104][105]
Redesigned HUD, including two new features, food and experience bars.[106]
Killing a mob gives you tiny flashing Experience Orbs that add to your experience.[12] (around 19:35)
New launcher.[107][108]
Possibly a web Applet launcher.[109]
A lot of new sounds and some changes, such as minecart sounds and shear sounds, also a change in the sound of rain.[110][111]
New bow sounds (including hits), new door sounds, big slimes sound, and walking skeletons sound more skeletony.[112]
New particle effects.[113]
Performing a critical hit on any mob will cause 'sparks' to fly.[12] (around 4:45 in)[49] (around 18:54 in)
Explosion particles are now shockwaves instead of smoke.[12] (about 21:54 in)
The ability to see the world seed when pressing F3.[114]
A new main menu background.[12] (around 2:10 minutes in)
The version in the main menu will be in the lower left, instead of the current upper left.[12] (around 2:10 minutes in)
Multiplayer server list.[115][116]
Improved server join screen: The server join screen will feature a list of servers.[117]
Player List - Press tab in multiplayer and player list comes up.[85][118]
The ability to allow moderators to enter creative mode in SMP.[119]
Armor bar moved to above hearts, due to food bar [120]
Modding Support.[61]
Including easier changing of the max level (map) height.[121]
The terrain generation code is tidier.[122]
Fri 9 Sep 2011 22:21
ser inte fram emot att fixa texturepacket till detta... xD
Fri 9 Sep 2011 00:52
"Clouds won't go through buildings anymore."
Tack gode gud.
Tack gode gud.
Thu 8 Sep 2011 20:15
Jag fyller år 21 sep o då ska jag skaffa minecraft IF I EVEN DIE TRYING!!!!! + det blir roligt med npcs strongholds och abandoned mineshafts :3
Thu 8 Sep 2011 18:05
Jävlar vad mycket det är som man inte direkt lägger märke till när en sån här patch kommer.. rätt så mycket ändå
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