Tekniskt fel pågår.
På grund av att en server kraschat är det vissa problem att ladda upp bilder.
Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
haven't been using bdb for a while and ..... ummm............. -__- sorry if I didnt check your stuffs but it's a lot ...
I was at school .. and school is tough but it is good
chinese word for Compatibility being able to understand things, people in a considerate, harmonious way and it's an very importan word to me coz I still believe in pure humanity &n
this might be quite long well recently I involve in one of the student-run socailism organization at out school ....well I haven't really done any contribution since I got to know all th
me and maya xD um has anyone ever wished they could be more normal .. ? so they could fit in better in the society ? sometimes I have that feeling , but I just can't
me being ninja xD
Ummmmmm ... :D !!!!! cant miss it might go with Jim hes a good photographer
went to 2 fashion shows on 17th and 18th everything was unreal , lighting, music, clothes, make-up, catwalks, stage set-up etc. IMPRESSIVE and INSPIRING
xD she looks a bit happier than me ..
dont feel good now , Im doing so much but why I feel like I'm losing every thing sometimes I dont really know what I'm holding on to .. School of Seven Bells - check
I applied for a show at school radio studio you have one hour you can play anything you want in the studio I decided to make a show solely playing East Asian music coz there aren't
Having like 2.5 assignments due next week ! and I'm so running out of time for it , HELL YA :D !! this is so exciting (y) !! Duke Spirit 27th on Friday&nbs
hey guys ! good news ! my show got accepted at the school radio station ! now I need some help !! I need some recommandation !! they HAVE TO be East Asian music ( Japanese, Korean, etc.
The Duke Spirits is Coming : ) !!!
doing the show tmr internet at home is fucked -_- now at school trying to download songs can't read japanese .. - _____-
I just did the Radio Show and apparently no body was seriously listening to it in the student centre lol hahaha, but that's fine , it was so fun and Im thinking about learning how to use that D