Thursday 31 January 2008 photo 1/1
Once in a life time a baby is born That God touched with his hands With special gifts, and love for all That spreads across the lands A World of peace, a World of love A World for all to share This is all the child wants Is for all of us to care The baby grows into a child God gives him a voice to sing He writes his songs from his heart A message to all he brings The people listen and join as one To cheer and give their love To a special child that God has blessed An angel from above The child grows into a man His talent exceeds the best He gives to all, and touches lives And prays for all the rest He a Father, a Son, A man that hears our needs He gives his best to us all And our love is what he receives He's a friend, a teacher, A special prodigy Sometimes he feels he is alone But never with you and me We love him because he's Michael And we love him because he cared We love him because he's given all A friend we all have shared And in case he doesn't know it We're his friends, and Family so dear We will always Love and support him In his times of Heartache, and fear It doesn't matter the wealth and fame That a person may achieve Because we accept them for who they are That's what we all believe Michael...we REALLY are your friends And we're with you everyday We pray for you and your family We love you...That's all I have to say. ps* jag tror inte åp gud bara för att det står det i texten xD det lät bara bra xD : alla bah trodde det :P
Comment the photo
Wed 12 May 2010 20:35
Har en t-shirt på mig just nu...det står:
I'm Bad
Who's Bad
hahah,om det var en aning intressant :D
I'm Bad
Who's Bad
hahah,om det var en aning intressant :D
Mon 28 Jan 2008 17:16
ME, MICHAEL AND EVVE IS BAAAD :D:D:D<3333333 bästa treon EVVEER !<33
Mon 28 Jan 2008 17:17
HAHAHHAH XD förlååt (A) IS BAD lät bara såå kuul:) <3<3<3<3<3 men det är RÄTT _D_D_D_D_D WE ARE BAD :D
Sat 19 Jan 2008 15:51
måste bara säga att jag älskar din text på pressen.
jag satt och nickade för varje ord du hade skrivit.
allt stämmer in (fast inte med michael i mitt fall).
jag satt och nickade för varje ord du hade skrivit.
allt stämmer in (fast inte med michael i mitt fall).
8 comments on this photo