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Phil Vale, Department of Social Sciences, Newcastle College . of Advanced Education. As always the History . A Study in Social Economics: the Hunter River Valley. New South Wales, Melbourne, 1927. . Friendly Society, Scouts, Guides and various recreational activities and programmes were provided for at many
CALIFORNIA CLASSICAL STUDIES. NUMBER 5. Editorial Board Chair: Donald Mastronarde. Editorial Board: Alessandro Barchiesi, Todd Hickey, Emily Mackil, The Roman historian Florus has a similarly mythologizing take on Viriathus: Viriathus, a man of the sharpest cunning, stirred the Lusitanians. From a hunter.
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Hunting. 6. Associates,. Johannesburg,. 54 pp. POll w 1957. Les genres des poissons d'eau douce de l'Afrique. Ann. Mus. roy. Congo Belge, ser. 80, Sci. ZOO~. 1, 99-106. --. Indice dos Ri~s~ La& e Lagoas de Hocambique. Direccao. Provincial dos. Servicos. Bidraulicos,. Publicacao. 1. Sep. Bol. soc Est. Mocamb.
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Hunting. 6. Associates,. Johannesburg,. 54 pp. POll w 1957. Les genres des poissons d'eau douce de l'Afrique. Ann. Mus. roy. Congo Belge, ser. 80, Sci. ZOO~. 1, 99-106. --. Indice dos Ri~s~ La& e Lagoas de Hocambique. Direccao. Provincial dos. Servicos. Bidraulicos,. Publicacao. 1. Sep. Bol. soc Est. Mocamb.