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Csgo awp guide: >> << (Download)
Csgo awp guide: >> << (Read Online)
awp flick shot practice
how to get better at awping in cs go
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cs go awp real life
how to awp like a pro
how to be an awper
cs go awp sensitivity
awping meaning
3 May 2015 In csgo you should (hopefully) know that isn't the case). It's all about having to stop, maybe a split second before shooting. As for recoil with the awp, You won't be spamming it when you're playing mid or something like that. Noscoping however, only do when lord gaben has blessed you (jk) OR noscope
28 May 2017
6 Sep 2016
28 Jun 2017 How to become a better AWPer. This is your AWP-ortunity to improve at CS:GO's most valuable craft. Everyone wants to play the AWP like Counter-Strike legend Kenny “kennyS" Schrub, but not many realize the various dimensions to playing the one-hit wonder weapon.
15 Sep 2015 The Scout, the AWP's cheaper sibling, features a similarly slow firerate but allows for insanely high mobility, even when scoped-in (unlike the AWP). And like many of CS:GO's guns, the AWP is sensitive to movement, requiring near-perfect stillness to execute an accurate shot (see the Advanced Techniques
26 Dec 2016
29 Jul 2016 A guide for the average skilled player wanting to get on the next level with the AWP. This guide contains advice to a playstyle with the AWP rather than giving you basic and quite obvious hints you se.
2 Feb 2016 Tips & GuidesAWP Tips/Guide for New Players! (self . I'd only really suggest it at long distances against an enemy without an AWP, but even in these situations.. you better hope he has bad aim! Drop by my twitch channel if you want :) I stream CSGO but primarily to promote fitness and "healthy gaming".
9 Apr 2016
19 Feb 2015