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Uvhm solo guide: >> << (Download)
Uvhm solo guide: >> << (Read Online)
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13 Mar 2015
17 Jun 2016
11 Jul 2013 So, I recently beat true vault hunter mode at level 52, and it was obvious that further leveling up would proceed at a glacial pace, so I went into
There are always complaints leveled against UVHM, and I find many of them to be born of frustration rather than poor . Gulfwulf - Guru Gulfwulf's Guide to Gunning Godhood. . Because they didn't want him to be solo'd
I was expecting some difficulty, but good lord this is ridiculous! I think UVHM was a bit of a misstep on Gearbox's part, mostly the huge health modifiers every
22 Jul 2013 Its doable finishing UVHM in solo play or its just impossible for a recent toon A Mechromancer Guide - Evil Enchantress build (Level 72 build).
am contemplating re-rolling or trying to push through UVHM solo or Borderlands 2 - DLC Guide Vault Hunter's Guide to TVHM & PT 2.5.
18 Sep 2012 I also find that GearBox made Borderlands 2 harder on solo than the first . i killed the warrior earlier today on UVHM, solo'd all the way with a
2 May 2013 This guide is geared towards a solo game though, so there won't be a lot of coverage If you're playing UVHM, you're sure to find a whole new
This is V4 of this guide, V3 hasn't gotten stickied yet, and it's pretty . then jump back to UVHM and reload till you get a DPUH for easy leveling.