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Somewhere Out There - James Horner free piano sheet music and downloadable PDF.
Print and download Somewhere Out There sheet music from An American Tale. Sheet music arranged for Piano/Vocal/Guitar in C Major (transposable). SKU: MN0041843.
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“Somewhere Out There Sheet Music" by Disney Sheet Music, “ Somewhere Out There Sheet Music" for Piano / Vocal/ Guitar Chords , Original key: C Major, number of pages sheet music PDF: 5, Video and Lyrics song Somewhere Out There Sheet Music. Somewhere Out There Sheet Music Disney Sheet Music Download
Print and download Somewhere Out There - James Horner, Barry Mann, and Cynthia Weil. Made by ViolaS124.
Jun 29, 2010
somewhere out there - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
SOMEWHERE OUT THERE. By JAMES HORNER, BARRY MANN and CYNTHIA WEIL u use pedal. F e - where-. F. Dm7. G/F. I b. I . I m. I u. 1. m i rl. I. I. -. -. d? me and u. I. I. Q Copyr~ght 1986 by MCA MUSIC PUBLISHING. A Divlslon of MCA INC. and MUSIC CORPORATION OF AMERICA. IN., 1 3 5 Broadway. New York
SOMEWHERE OUT THERE. Words and Music by. JAMES HORNER, BARRY MAI. NN & CYNTHIA WEIL. Moderately, with expression. C Cmaj7/E. C/F . G7sus. C/E. F(add 9). IIIII. IO. 1 rii. EU. LIII inito niin тр use pedal. 2 * litritif. 3 1 1 1. 6 M. G/F. Em7. Am7. O 0000. 000. IIIII. C(add9). Cmail. FIG. C(add9). C/E. O O unum brii.