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Mexican petunia planting instructions: >> << (Download)
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How to grow Mexican petunia (Ruellia brittoniana), plant pictures and planting care instructions supplied by real gardeners.
Mexican petunia produces seeds that germinate readily and grow into plants identical to the parent. The seeds don't require a dormant period, so you can plant them as soon as seed capsules dry and open, and they also germinate whether covered by soil or exposed to light. New seedlings grow well if their soil is kept
A Mexican petunia, or Ruellia brittoniana, is easy to grow under most conditions. These plants will produce blooms in almost any type of soil, and are resistant to both drought and wet conditions as well. Mexican petunias are perennial shrubs, which can grow as tall as three feet, but in cold climates Mexican petunias can be
17 Mar 2015 Although ruellia flowers are highly adaptable and may do well in shade, expect fewer blooms due to the lack of sunlight. Growing ruellia plants appreciate regular water but again the tolerant plant can withstand drought conditions in prepared soil. This upright to spreading perennial can be propagated via
A second Mexican petunia to consider is 'Purple Showers.' It looks a lot like the plant pictured up top, but has larger, deep purple flowers. Developed by the University of Florida, 'Purple Showers' is sterile, so it sets no seed. However, it still can spread by roots, so don't plant it in wet soil.
Common names include Mexican bluebell, hardy petunia, wild petunia, Britton's wild petunia and perennial petunia. Mexican petunias are able to tolerate a wide range of growing conditions, but prefer wet or marshy soils, such as moist woodlands or the edges of ponds and lakes. They can withstand drought and even full
Noteworthy Characteristics: Petunia-like flowers from spring to frost. Native to Mexico and the southwestern U.S. Care: Ruellia needs a warm climate. Site in partial shade and fertile, consistently moist, but well-drained soil.
This plant thrives in moist, fertile, humusy but well-drained soils. It is a versatile plant that tolerates an extremely wide range of growing conditions. It thrives as a marginal water plant and in boggy soils. It also does well in average garden soils with even moisture. Established plants have respectable drought tolerance.
Plant Mexican petunias in full sun to partial shade in moist soil 1 foot apart when the cuttings begin to produce new growth, in two to six weeks. The plants grow well near ponds or streams.