Sunday 4 November 2012 photo 1/1
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Klar med att se Lucky Star, en serie som faktiskt inte är en ecchi (I know shocking...). Serien handlar om Konata och hennes vänner. Konata är en helt vanlig tjej som gillar att spela spel och se anime / läsa manga. Hon är en tjej som inte alls tar skolan seriöst. Man får följa Konata's liv och hur hon spenderar sin tid i skolan med sina vänner.
En väldigt intressant serie som inte är alls som andra animes. Hur är den annorlunda? Lucky Star har ingen komplott, det är inget speciellt som ska hända eller har hänt. Det är en serie som handlar om en helt tjej och hennes vänner. Man skulle kunna beskriva den som en reality show som inte är reality. Helt klart en anime som jag tycker är värd att se eftersom jag tror att vi alla kan relatera oss till någon av karaktärerna i serien!
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Mon 19 Nov 2012 18:33
Om du läser allt det här kommer du att bli lite halvledsen om du har känslor.
Lucky Star is the story of the lonely otaku girl Konata. She is abused at both school and home and what we see as the show/manga is actually her dreams of a more normal life.
Everyone at school picks on her all the time because she is an otaku and because of fear,
she’s unable to stand up to everyone or ask for help All the characters in the story are modified versions of who she knows in real life so that she can be friends with them.
In this thread I will reveal Konata’s true world.
Let’s start with Kagami. Kagami is a popular girl from another class, normal in most aspects.
Earlier on after Konata had been through a round of bullying where she had been covered in paint and Kagami saw Konata and helped her.
Being in another class, Kagami didn’t know of Konata being an otaku and thought she had just gotten into some accident where she had spilled paint on herself.
Konata however saw Kagami as a savior and developed a crush on her.
However when Kagami finds out about Konata’s status in class Kagami distances herself from Konata because she wants to keep her popularity and is very harsh towards Konata,
which manifests in the delusions as Kagami being Tsundere to Konata.
Tsukasa is not actually Kagami’s sister in real life.
She’s pretty much the same Kuroko from Index or Liang from Canaan; she treats Kagami as an onee-sama worship figure and even changed her hair color to match Kagami.
She always sticks with Kagami and keeps away people she doesn’t like. After Konata gets a crush on Kagami,
Tsukasa becomes one of the main bullies in Konata’s class in order to keep Konata away from her onee-sama.
In the delusions Konata reverses Tsukasa’s personality to make her timid and makes her Kagami’s actual sister.
Miyuki is the usual rich, beautiful, intelligent, sadist, bitch, bully that you see in anime/manga.
She sees Konata as a filthy otaku and is one of the main bullies. She often humiliates Konata and her actually personality is akin to Kyoka Nanjou in Yume Miru Kusuri.
She seems nice, but she is always looking for opportunities to humiliate Konata and always has a bunch of suck-up followers that she uses to carry out her will.
In the delusions Konata makes her be her outward appearance, always nice to others and behaves like a proper young lady.
Patricia Martin was an American weeaboo. She came to Japan to attend a university in the city the story takes place in so she could fulfill her naïve dream of becoming Japanese.
She works at the same café Konata does, which is how Konata knows her. Of course that’s just her legitimate job.
At night she sells her body using her appeal as a blonde American as she needs the money in order to keep going.
Konata includes her in her fantasies because Patricia is an otaku like Konata and Konata feels a link with her although they don’t really have much of a relationship beyond that of co-workers in real life.
Also, both Konata and Patricia get sexually harassed at their job by the customers.
Now for another major source of Konata’s problems, her father Soujirou.
When he was younger he was a mild otaku and he fell in love with and married Konata’s mother Kanata. She was also a mild otaku and so therefore was a perfect companion for Soujirou.
She died when Konata was young and of course this caused Soujirou a huge amount of despair.
He became more and more of an otaku in order to escape from reality and in reality is a NEET that lives on welfare and the salary Konata gets from her job.
As time goes on he saw Konata more and more as his dead wife come back to her and that’s when Konata’s life started to go bad.
She made Konata become an otaku like her dead mother and made sure she became like Kanata. Eventually he can’t stand it and sexually assaults Konata,
calling her Kanata the entire time and crying while doing it. Konata didn’t do anything about it because she saw the pain her dad was in and just let it happen, hoping her dad would get better over time.
Over time though the sexual assaults just got worse and he fully sees Konata as Kanata and spends all his time in either a drunken stupor or raping Konata.
For her delusions, Konata removed all the really negative aspects of her father while still keeping him mostly the same.
I have 2 theories about Konata’s “cousin” Yui. The first is that she is a social worker that checks up on Konata every once in a while and treats her kindly.
These are the only times that Soujirou pretends to act normally in order to keep his precious Konata with him and seeing that Soujirou appears to treat him normally,
she is unable to truly do anything for Konata. The second theory is a tad darker and is more likely the right one. She is Soujirou's sister-in-law through his marriage to Kanata.
She was also in love in Soujirou but lost to her sister Kanata. She developed a huge resentment to Kanata that continues after her death.
She comes to Konata’s home to try and help Soujirou get better and to seduce him. However since Soujirou sees Konata as Kanata, she isn’t able to make any progress.
Because of these reasons, Yui hates Konata and whenever she comes over; she beats Konata and sexually abuses her because of her rage against her sister.
In the anime this turns into her coming over to “play” with Konata. Konata changed her into an older cousin to make her coming over to play seem more natural.
Yutaka is actually Konata’s cousin, however she’s Yui’s daughter. She was conceived when Yui got drunk one night in despair after Kanata married Soujirou.
However the guy left afterwards and Yui never found out where he went, which explains why he is never shown in Konata’s delusions.
The anime says she is sickly but that’s actually just a cover, Yui regular beats her out of resentment of her life and hides the signs using sickness as an excuse.
Finally, the ending of Lucky Star. Throughout high school, things stay the same for Konata.
After she graduates, she isn’t able to go to college and lives with her father trying to support both of them.
He gets worse over time and after a few months forces her to move with him to a new city where they fake their names and he forces her to marry him,
finally allowing him to fully treat her as Kanata in public and private.
During this time she gets pregnant with her dad’s child. But she knows that they could not support their baby and keeps it a secret from Soujirou,
eventually getting an abortion from a shady back alley doctor. Every night she still sings the op to herself and falls asleep imagining her high school life at the planet orbiting her Lucky Star.
She even starts using sleeping pills so she can go to her Lucky Star faster However even this small equilibrium doesn’t hold,
Soujirou gets a liver problem and dies because they are unable to afford the surgery that could help him. On his deathbed he continues to treat Konata as Kanata and dies still treating her as his wife.
Burdened by debt, Konata continues to take sleeping pills to go to the Lucky Star, but even her dreams start to become warped and miserable from her mood in reality.
She tries higher and higher doses to try and return to her perfect dream world and spends more and more time asleep or unconscious. Finally one day she takes an entire bottle and dies from overdose.
Before going into the sleep of death she sings her mother’s song one last time, crying while doing so,
and before closing her tear filled eyes for the last time she utters her last words, “I’m coming to live at your world forever Lucky Star, I hope I haven’t kept Kagamin waiting.”
And what happened to everyone else you ask? Most everyone went on to live happy lives.
Kagami, after rejecting Konata’s lesbian feelings so often accepts Tsukasa’s lesbian feelings in college and lives with her, living a modest but happy life together.
Miyuki went on to marry a rich businessman and proceeded to never have to lift a finger again as a wealthy trophy wife in a big Western mansion.
Patricia got over naive love of Japanese culture and ended up marrying one of her clients as a prostitute that got her pregnant.
Their married life was troubled ad first but ultimately settled into a peaceful life together. Yui chased after Soujirou when he moved away and dumped her daughter Yutaka with her parents.
After Soujirou died she was depressed for a while but ultimately settled down with another man and lived as a housewife, largely intentionally forgetting her past.
Yutaka had heavy emotional and physical scars that she never truly recovered from. She didn’t make any friends but wasn’t bullied like Konata, she was just too afraid of other people to make friends.
She died in college from complications from an old injury her mother gave her.
Lucky Star is the story of the lonely otaku girl Konata. She is abused at both school and home and what we see as the show/manga is actually her dreams of a more normal life.
Everyone at school picks on her all the time because she is an otaku and because of fear,
she’s unable to stand up to everyone or ask for help All the characters in the story are modified versions of who she knows in real life so that she can be friends with them.
In this thread I will reveal Konata’s true world.
Let’s start with Kagami. Kagami is a popular girl from another class, normal in most aspects.
Earlier on after Konata had been through a round of bullying where she had been covered in paint and Kagami saw Konata and helped her.
Being in another class, Kagami didn’t know of Konata being an otaku and thought she had just gotten into some accident where she had spilled paint on herself.
Konata however saw Kagami as a savior and developed a crush on her.
However when Kagami finds out about Konata’s status in class Kagami distances herself from Konata because she wants to keep her popularity and is very harsh towards Konata,
which manifests in the delusions as Kagami being Tsundere to Konata.
Tsukasa is not actually Kagami’s sister in real life.
She’s pretty much the same Kuroko from Index or Liang from Canaan; she treats Kagami as an onee-sama worship figure and even changed her hair color to match Kagami.
She always sticks with Kagami and keeps away people she doesn’t like. After Konata gets a crush on Kagami,
Tsukasa becomes one of the main bullies in Konata’s class in order to keep Konata away from her onee-sama.
In the delusions Konata reverses Tsukasa’s personality to make her timid and makes her Kagami’s actual sister.
Miyuki is the usual rich, beautiful, intelligent, sadist, bitch, bully that you see in anime/manga.
She sees Konata as a filthy otaku and is one of the main bullies. She often humiliates Konata and her actually personality is akin to Kyoka Nanjou in Yume Miru Kusuri.
She seems nice, but she is always looking for opportunities to humiliate Konata and always has a bunch of suck-up followers that she uses to carry out her will.
In the delusions Konata makes her be her outward appearance, always nice to others and behaves like a proper young lady.
Patricia Martin was an American weeaboo. She came to Japan to attend a university in the city the story takes place in so she could fulfill her naïve dream of becoming Japanese.
She works at the same café Konata does, which is how Konata knows her. Of course that’s just her legitimate job.
At night she sells her body using her appeal as a blonde American as she needs the money in order to keep going.
Konata includes her in her fantasies because Patricia is an otaku like Konata and Konata feels a link with her although they don’t really have much of a relationship beyond that of co-workers in real life.
Also, both Konata and Patricia get sexually harassed at their job by the customers.
Now for another major source of Konata’s problems, her father Soujirou.
When he was younger he was a mild otaku and he fell in love with and married Konata’s mother Kanata. She was also a mild otaku and so therefore was a perfect companion for Soujirou.
She died when Konata was young and of course this caused Soujirou a huge amount of despair.
He became more and more of an otaku in order to escape from reality and in reality is a NEET that lives on welfare and the salary Konata gets from her job.
As time goes on he saw Konata more and more as his dead wife come back to her and that’s when Konata’s life started to go bad.
She made Konata become an otaku like her dead mother and made sure she became like Kanata. Eventually he can’t stand it and sexually assaults Konata,
calling her Kanata the entire time and crying while doing it. Konata didn’t do anything about it because she saw the pain her dad was in and just let it happen, hoping her dad would get better over time.
Over time though the sexual assaults just got worse and he fully sees Konata as Kanata and spends all his time in either a drunken stupor or raping Konata.
For her delusions, Konata removed all the really negative aspects of her father while still keeping him mostly the same.
I have 2 theories about Konata’s “cousin” Yui. The first is that she is a social worker that checks up on Konata every once in a while and treats her kindly.
These are the only times that Soujirou pretends to act normally in order to keep his precious Konata with him and seeing that Soujirou appears to treat him normally,
she is unable to truly do anything for Konata. The second theory is a tad darker and is more likely the right one. She is Soujirou's sister-in-law through his marriage to Kanata.
She was also in love in Soujirou but lost to her sister Kanata. She developed a huge resentment to Kanata that continues after her death.
She comes to Konata’s home to try and help Soujirou get better and to seduce him. However since Soujirou sees Konata as Kanata, she isn’t able to make any progress.
Because of these reasons, Yui hates Konata and whenever she comes over; she beats Konata and sexually abuses her because of her rage against her sister.
In the anime this turns into her coming over to “play” with Konata. Konata changed her into an older cousin to make her coming over to play seem more natural.
Yutaka is actually Konata’s cousin, however she’s Yui’s daughter. She was conceived when Yui got drunk one night in despair after Kanata married Soujirou.
However the guy left afterwards and Yui never found out where he went, which explains why he is never shown in Konata’s delusions.
The anime says she is sickly but that’s actually just a cover, Yui regular beats her out of resentment of her life and hides the signs using sickness as an excuse.
Finally, the ending of Lucky Star. Throughout high school, things stay the same for Konata.
After she graduates, she isn’t able to go to college and lives with her father trying to support both of them.
He gets worse over time and after a few months forces her to move with him to a new city where they fake their names and he forces her to marry him,
finally allowing him to fully treat her as Kanata in public and private.
During this time she gets pregnant with her dad’s child. But she knows that they could not support their baby and keeps it a secret from Soujirou,
eventually getting an abortion from a shady back alley doctor. Every night she still sings the op to herself and falls asleep imagining her high school life at the planet orbiting her Lucky Star.
She even starts using sleeping pills so she can go to her Lucky Star faster However even this small equilibrium doesn’t hold,
Soujirou gets a liver problem and dies because they are unable to afford the surgery that could help him. On his deathbed he continues to treat Konata as Kanata and dies still treating her as his wife.
Burdened by debt, Konata continues to take sleeping pills to go to the Lucky Star, but even her dreams start to become warped and miserable from her mood in reality.
She tries higher and higher doses to try and return to her perfect dream world and spends more and more time asleep or unconscious. Finally one day she takes an entire bottle and dies from overdose.
Before going into the sleep of death she sings her mother’s song one last time, crying while doing so,
and before closing her tear filled eyes for the last time she utters her last words, “I’m coming to live at your world forever Lucky Star, I hope I haven’t kept Kagamin waiting.”
And what happened to everyone else you ask? Most everyone went on to live happy lives.
Kagami, after rejecting Konata’s lesbian feelings so often accepts Tsukasa’s lesbian feelings in college and lives with her, living a modest but happy life together.
Miyuki went on to marry a rich businessman and proceeded to never have to lift a finger again as a wealthy trophy wife in a big Western mansion.
Patricia got over naive love of Japanese culture and ended up marrying one of her clients as a prostitute that got her pregnant.
Their married life was troubled ad first but ultimately settled into a peaceful life together. Yui chased after Soujirou when he moved away and dumped her daughter Yutaka with her parents.
After Soujirou died she was depressed for a while but ultimately settled down with another man and lived as a housewife, largely intentionally forgetting her past.
Yutaka had heavy emotional and physical scars that she never truly recovered from. She didn’t make any friends but wasn’t bullied like Konata, she was just too afraid of other people to make friends.
She died in college from complications from an old injury her mother gave her.

Tue 20 Nov 2012 11:45
Var glad för det, för det kan verkligen förstöra en inombords när man ser all skit och folk skrattar åt det, även fast det inte är roligt. Det är så dumt, dom ser en bild, och på grund av den bilden, som inte är rolig i sig själv, så tycker dom det är roligt för att den passar in i sammanhanget. Även fast dom har 10 000 bilder så att dom alltid har något som passar. Det är så otroligt dumt. Det ska inte vara roligt, det var inte meningen att det skulle vara roligt. Det skulle vara reaction images, det vill säga att dom ska beskriva ens reaktion, inte få folk att skratta för att dom känner igen bilden. Jag skriver väldigt mycket nu, men jag blir irriterad av att bara tänka på hur otroligt dumma folk kan vara.
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