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Dom4j api
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Method Summary. Document · addComment(String comment) Adds a new Comment node with the given text to this branch. Document · addDocType(String name, String publicId, String systemId) Adds a DOCTYPE declaration to this document. Document · addProcessingInstruction(String target, Map data) org.dom4j. Defines the XML Document Object Model in Java interfaces together with some helper classes. org.dom4j.bean. An implementation of the dom4j API which allows JavaBeans to be used to store and retrieve attribute values from Element. org.dom4j.datatype. An implementation of the dom4j API which supports the. This article will help to write java program for xml using dom4j API. Dom4j is open source API for working with XML, XPath and XSLT on the Java platform using the Java Collections Framework and with full support for DOM, SAX and JAXP. Dom4j is easy to use and all the classes and methods are named reasonably. The. 2012年6月4日. 1、DOM4J简介. DOM4J是 出品的一个开源 XML 解析包。DOM4J应用于 Java 平台,采用了 Java 集合框架并完全支持 DOM,SAX 和 JAXP。 DOM4J 使用起来非常简单。只要你了解基本的 XML-DOM 模型,就能使用。 Dom:把整个文档作为一个对象。 DOM4J 最大的特色是使用大量的接口。它的主要接口. This document provides a practical introduction to dom4j. It guides you through by using a lot of examples. Introducing dom4j. dom4j is a object model representing an XML Tree in memory. dom4j offers a easy-to-use API that provides a powerful set of features to process, manipulate or navigate XML and work with XPath. Contains the default implementations of the dom4j Document Object Model together with some helpful base classes for those wishing to implement their own document object model. org.dom4j.util. A collection of utility classes for the dom4j API. The dom4j API download includes a tool for parsing XML documents. In this article, an example XML document is created with the parser. Listing 1 shows the example XML document, catalog.xml. Listing 1. Example XML document (catalog.xml). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Version, Date, Backward Compatibility, Added Methods, Removed Methods. BC, SC. 2.1.0, 2017-09-16, 100%, 0, 0. 2.0.2, 2017-09-16, 100% · 2 new, 0. 2.0.1, 2017-06-26, 99.9%, 0, 4 removed. 2.0.0, 2016-04-13, 79.3% · 79.5% · 229 new · 35 removed. 1.6.1, 2005-05-16, 100% · 4 new, 0. 1.6, 2005-04-15. Name, Email, Dev Id, Roles, Organization. Curt Arnold,, carnold. David Lucas,, ddlucas. David White,, drwhite. Jakob Jenkov,, jjenkov. James Strachan, Installing. JDOM. and. dom4j. This section will briefly cover downloading and installing the JDOM and dom4j APIs. Doing so will enable you to follow along with the examples in this chapter. JDOM The JDOM site is found at nttp: //www. This book uses beta version 7 of JDOM. is the constructor for an XMLWriter that takes an OutputFormat where you could set outputFormat.setExpandEmptyElements(true);. Name the library "dom4j" and associate its jar and javadocs. 4. Create a new Netbeans project. 5. Include the library in the newly created Netbeans project. 6. Now you are ready to use the dom4j API for processing XML vocabularies! Tutorial Topics. This tutorial introduces you to the basic dom4j functionalities, covering the. import org.orbeon.oxf.pipeline.api.PipelineContext;. import org.orbeon.oxf.processor.SimpleProcessor;. import org.orbeon.oxf.processor.ProcessorInputOutputInfo;. import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;. import org.xml.sax.SAXException;. import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl;. import org.dom4j.Document;. public class. import org.orbeon.oxf.pipeline.api.PipelineContext; import org.orbeon.oxf.processor.SimpleProcessor; import org.orbeon.oxf.processor.ProcessorInputOutputInfo; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl; import org.dom4j.Document; public class. dom4j API使用简介. 功能简介. dom4j是一个Java的XML API,类似于jdom,用来读写XML文件的。dom4j是一个非常非常优秀的Java XML API,具有性能优异、功能强大和极端易用使用的特点,同时它也是一个开放源代码的软件,可以在SourceForge上找到它。在IBM developerWorks上面可以找到一篇文章,对主流. Object-orientated transformation API In addition to supporting the JAXP TrAX API for XSL transformations, dom4j includes its own transformation API that is entirely object-orientated, called the rule API. Through this API, you create a Stylesheet object, which contains one or more Rule objects. Each Rule object defines an. Java DOM4J Parser Parse XML Document - Learn Java XML in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including Overview, Java XML Parsers, DOM Parser, Parse XML Document, Query XML Document, Create XML Document, Modify XML Document, SAX Parser, JDOM XML Parser,. createNewElement. public static org.dom4j.Element createNewElement(org.dom4j.Element parent, String elementName). Add a new child element to the passed parent. The element will be place after other elements of the same name, or if no other elements exist, as the first child of the parent. Parameters: parent - the node. Learn how to make a website and everything related to it with these free guides that make building and monetizing your own website easy. Constructor Detail. DOM4JHandle. public DOM4JHandle(). DOM4JHandle. public DOM4JHandle(org.dom4j.Document content). Method Detail. get. public org.dom4j.Document get(). set. public void set(org.dom4j.Document content). with. public DOM4JHandle with(org.dom4j.Document content). setFormat. public void. They report different parsing events like start element, end element using the call back method. Handlers are designed to deal with the events. Simple API for XML (SAX) is the most common type of event-based API. Here we examine the APIs event-based (SAX and StAX) and the tree based APIs (DOM, JDOM and DOM4J). primitiveType;uses:="org.dom4j,org.eclipse.tigerstripe.api.profile.primitiveType",;uses:="org.eclipse.tigerstripe.api.profile,org.dom4j,",org.eclipse.tigerstripe.workbench.internal.core.profile.stereotype;. By obtaining a session with the entity mode configured for Dom4J, the entity proxies retrieved from that session will be org . dom4 j . Node instances that can be manipulated with the normal Dom4J API. To access a Session object in this mode, you first open a conventional session, and then invoke the getSessionQ method. Uses of Class No usage of Overview · Package · Class, Use, Tree · Deprecated · Index · Help. PREV NEXT, FRAMES NO FRAMES All Classes · All Classes. Copyright © 2005-2007 Apache Software Foundation. I do nor know the dom4j API. If you use an XPath API as what Saxon or Xalan provides then you can just use an XPath expression like //ASSOC_3-MV for instance. If you use DOM I remember there is a method that sounds like getElementByTagName that you can use. Best Regards, George. sujatha: Posts:. 2013年9月9日. 一、前言 dom4j是一套非常优秀的java开源api,主要用于读写xml文档,具有性能优异、功能强大、和非常方便使用的特点。 另外xml经常用于数据交换的载体,像调用webservice传递的参数,以及数据做同步操作等等, 所以使用dom4j解析xml是非常有必要的。 二、准备条件 dom4j.jar 下载地址:http://sourceforg. parseDouble( element.elementText("average")); temperatures.add( new TemperatureInfo(city, date, min, max, average)); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return temperatures; } } In the getTemperatures() method, you first build the request message using the dom4j API. WebServiceTemplate. DOM4J) ; Element userXML = (Element) dom4 jSession. load(User . class, storedUserld) ; What is returned here is a dom4j Element, and you can use the dom4j API to read and manipulate it. For example, you can pretty-print it to your console with the following snippet: try { If we assume that you reuse the POJO classes and. Packages that use ProcessingInstruction. org.dom4j, Defines the XML Document Object Model in Java interfaces together with some helper classes. org.dom4j.dom, An implementation of the dom4j API which also supports the W3C object model., Provides input and output via SAX and DOM together with. I'd assume that OpenMRS was not able to find the openmrs-module-radiology-fhir-support-api.jar in the /lib folder (which is present) and therefore restarting tomcat reloads the application container and refreshes the classpath. After this, whenever I execute any Service Layer method that uses dom4j api,.
Converter that converts an input stream to a Dom4J document. It assumes that the input stream provides UTF-8 formatted XML. Since: 2.0; Author: Allard Buijze. Constructor Summary. Constructors. Constructor and Description. InputStreamToDom4jConverter(). Method Summary. All Methods Instance Methods Concrete. Element element) Provides a type safe / generic wrapper for Element.elementIterator(org.dom4j.QName) . static java.util.Iteratordom4j.Element>, elementIterator(org.dom4j.Element element, java.lang.String name) Provides a type safe / generic wrapper for Element.elementIterator(String) . static java.util.Listdom4j. In this post, I will show you how to parse a XML document using dom4j API easily Here is a sample XML file; servers.xml class for parsing XML file; Output of the program; (Only enable="Y" servers in the XML file will be listed) run: SERVERS. IFMEProcessInfo, IFMEServerNodeSession. getProcessInfo(java.lang.String name). Gets the specified process info. IFMEProcessInfo, FMEServerNodeSession. getProcessInfo(java.lang.String name). static IFMEProcessInfo, FMEProcessInfo. getProcessInfoFromNode(org.dom4j.Node processInfoNode). protected boolean, executeUpdate(org.dom4j.Document document, java.lang.String xpath, boolean forReal). Executes the adding/updating changes on the given document. protected java.lang.String, getCommonPath(). Returns a parent path that is common for all nodes to modify. java.lang.String, getName(). Returns the. DocumentFactory cannot be cast to org.dom4j.DocumentFactory Nested exception: org.dom4j.DocumentFactory cannot be cast to org.dom4j.DocumentFactory at org.apache.cxf.service.invoker.AbstractInvoker.createFault([109:org.apache.cxf.cxf-api:2.6.0] at org.apache.cxf.jaxws. 236804 - Seminar in Computer Science 4: XML - Technology, Systems and Theory; 3. Agenda. Short Introduction to XML. What is XML; Structure and Terminology; JAVA APIs for XML: an Overview. dom4j. Parsing an XML document; Writing to an XML document. Xpath. Xpath Queries; Xpath in dom4j. 3) Select an appropriate XML DOM API package according to the programming language of the testing tool. For example, if the testing tool is programmed in Java, we can utilize the APIs supplied by DOM4J [1]. 4) By utilizing the API package in 3), manipulate the source XML representation according to the type of software. This technology has full support for Document Object Model (DOM), Simple Application Programming Interface (API) for XML (SAX) and Java API for XML Processing (JAXP). Technology/Standard Usage Requirements: Users must ensure their use of this technology/standard is consistent with VA policies and standards,. ... SAP XML Toolkit is based on Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (EE) v1.3 API Specifications. Therefore, it inherits the limitations of J2EE v1.3 for processing an XML message in XI. For example, SAP XML Toolkit doesn't provide support for XPath which is a more efficient approach of navigating XML than. Object pValue, org.dom4j.Element pElement, int pNestingDepth, atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletRequest pRequest, atg.servlet.DynamoHttpServletResponse pResponse) This method will add the given object value to the given element. protected void, addPrimitiveArrayToElement(java.lang.Object pValue, int pIndex, int. executeUpdate. protected boolean executeUpdate(org.dom4j.Document document, java.lang.String xpath). Description copied from class: A_CmsSetupXmlUpdate: Executes the adding/updating changes on the given document. Only needs to be overriden if A_CmsSetupXmlUpdate.getXPathsToUpdate() is not empty. We'll examine the design of the API and discuss its shortcomings; consider JAXB in the context of the Java-XML universe; and, finally, we'll learn if JAXB can evolve to meet expected.. If another XML technology supports them (like dom4j, JDOM, and XSLT), this makes it a snap to combine them with JAXB. Classes to both filter and generically type-cast nodes of a document based on type, name, value, or other aspects, and to boolean AND/OR/NEGATE these rules. org.jdom2.input. Classes to build JDOM documents from various sources. org.jdom2.input.sax. Support classes for building JDOM documents and content using. This page provides Java code examples for org.dom4j.Node. The examples are extracted from open source Java projects. Final ../hibernate-parent/pom.xml org.hibernate hibernate-core jar Hibernate Core The core functionality of Hibernate antlr antlr commons-collections commons-collections dom4j dom4j xml-apis xml-apis org.hibernate hibernate-commons-annotations org.hibernate.javax.persistence hibernate-jpa-2.0-api javax.validation. Java > Open Source Codes > org > dom4j > io > SAXReader.. KickJava Java API By Example, From Geeks To Geeks.. 58 * JAXP is used via reflection (so that DOM4J is not explicitly dependent on the 59 * JAXP classes) to load the JAXP configured SAXParser. If there is any error 60 * creating a JAXP SAXParser an. dom4j 怎么才能加入到eclipse中啊?在项目中直接添加就行。... 我想用这个包,也下载了.... 2009-05-14. 请简述dom,sax,jdom和dom4j的区别. dom是解析xml的底层接口之一(另一种是sax) ; 而jdom和dom4j则是基于底层api的更... 2017-06-23. 求助:利用Dom4j解析访问有道API返回值(它是xml格式的). 手机版我的知道搜索答案求助:. Field Detail. orderedChildren. protected final Map orderedChildren. Constructor Detail. WebXML24Descriptor. public WebXML24Descriptor(). Method Detail. canHandleType. public boolean canHandleType(String doctype, org.dom4j.Document root). Specified by: canHandleType in interface XMLDescriptor.
Final runtime org.drools knowledge-api org.drools drools-core org.drools drools-compiler org.slf4j slf4j-api com.sun.xml.bind jaxb-impl com.sun.xml.bind jaxb-xjc. org.hibernate hibernate-commons-annotations org.hibernate hibernate-core com.h2database h2 javax.persistence persistence-api dom4j dom4j org.javassist. Required, Newest. org.apache.aries.blueprint:org.apache.aries.blueprint.annotation.api, 0.3-redhat-2, 1.0.1. org.apache.aries.blueprint:org.apache.aries.blueprint.api, 0.3-redhat-2, 1.0.1. org.apache.aries.blueprint:org.apache.aries.blueprint.core, 0.3-redhat-2, 1.8.1. Maven. pom.xml snippet for Maven. dependency>. dom4j has some features I like, including integrated XPath support and a generic Node interface that makes document navigation a lot simpler. However, in my experience most programmers find it much easier to work with class-based APIs like JDOM than with pure interface-based APIs like dom4j and. GA-redhat-3 test xml-apis xml-apis org.jboss.byteman byteman test xml-apis xml-apis commons-logging commons-logging-api 1.1 test xml-apis xml-apis jaxen jaxen 1.1.3.redhat-4 test xml-apis xml-apis org.jboss.byteman byteman-install test xml-apis xml-apis dom4j dom4j 1.6.1.redhat-6 compile xml-apis. Dom4j api baixar mr installer Download Stats API The API uses URLs very similar to the existing stats URLs. Here's an example: https: sourceforge. net Dom4j api baixar mr installer Baixar Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde apk 4. 3 e toda a histria da Once you install this Verso: 4. 3 (43) for Android (Gingerbread, API. Element element, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String requiredValue) Validates if a given attribute exists at the given element with an (optional) specified value. protected static void, validateAttributesExists(org.dom4j.Element element, java.lang.String[] requiredAttributes, java.lang.String[] optionalAttributes) ... commons-lang 2.6 commons-digester commons-digester 2.1 xml-apis xml-apis commons-beanutils commons-beanutils 1.8.3 org.apache.commons commons-compress 1.10 javax.mail mail 1.4.4 javax.activation activation org.jvnet.hudson activation 1.1.1-hudson-1 jaxen jaxen 1.1-beta-11 dom4j dom4j xom xom xml-apis. ... ${spring.framework.version} org.springframework spring-jms ${spring.framework.version} org.springframework spring-test ${spring.framework.version} test stax-api 1.0-2 jaxen jaxen 1.1.3 maven-plugins maven-cobertura-plugin maven-plugins maven-findbugs-plugin xml-apis xml-apis dom4j dom4j jdom. Parameters: document - the XML content instance this value belongs to: element - the XML element to create the value from: locale - the locale to create the value for; Returns: the created XML content value object; See Also: I_CmsXmlSchemaType.createValue(I_CmsXmlDocument, org.dom4j.Element, Locale). ... org.apache.xmlbeans xmlbeans ${} provided stax stax-api dom4j dom4j ${version.dom4j} provided xml-apis xml-apis org.jboss.spec.javax.jms jboss-jms-api_2.0_spec ${} provided org.hornetq hornetq-core-client ${}. WebXml. public WebXml(String xml) throws org.dom4j.DocumentException, org.pentaho.platform.api.util.XmlParseException. Throws: org.dom4j.DocumentException: org.pentaho.platform.api.util.XmlParseException. protected CmsXmlContent(CmsObject cms, org.dom4j.Document document, java.lang.String encoding, org.xml.sax.EntityResolver resolver). Creates a new XML content based on the provided XML document. The given encoding is used when marshalling the XML again later. Parameters: cms - the cms context, if null no. Parameters: document - the XML content instance this value belongs to: element - the XML element to create the value from: locale - the locale to create the value for; Returns: the created XML content value object; See Also: I_CmsXmlSchemaType.createValue(I_CmsXmlDocument, org.dom4j.Element, Locale). Dom4j api download mr abc Struts 2 Quick Guide - Learn Struts 2 in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including Basic MVC Architecture Dom4j api download mr abc Dom4j api download mr abc Dom4j api download mr abc. 虽然DOM4J代表了完全独立的开发结果,但最初,它是JDOM的一种智能分支。它合并了许多超出基本XML文档表示的功能,包括集成的XPath支持、XML Schema支持以及用于大文档或流化文档的基于事件的处理。它还提供了构建文档表示的选项,它通过DOM4J API和标准DOM接口具有并行访问功能。从2000下. All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods. Modifier and Type, Method and Description. void, generateExport( writer). Generate XML suitable for use with the importer. Method Detail. generateExport. void generateExport( writer). Generate XML suitable for use with the. 9 results. RemoteException: VI SDK invoke exception:org.dom4j.DocumentException: null Nested exception: null at at at at. Method Summary. static HashMap, getInfo(org.dom4j.Element root). static HashMap, getInfo(File outputFile). static void, getInfo(File folder, List infos, String prefix). static HashMap, getInfo(String comment). static HashMap, getInfoOfASolution(File file). You can create a dom4j endpoint by extending the:-. In this method, you can access the request XML element, whose type is org.dom4j.. Java Programming Examples on Collection API · Spring Questions and Answers · Spring Questions and Answers – Securing and persisting objects in Web Flows. I'm hitting into an issue when trying to serialize a Java object with org.dom4j.Document as an attribute using JBoss Marshalling API. I'm using JDK 1.7. Can't serialize org.dom4j.Document using JBoss Marshalling API. Same issue with dom4j 1.5.2. Java Object : package test.t4; import org.dom4j.Document; public class. When a user application invokes Saxon via the Java API, then a source document is supplied as an instance of the JAXP Source class.. As discussed in the next section, implementations of NodeInfo are available to wrap Axiom, DOM, DOM4J, JDOM, JDOM2, or XOM nodes, and in all cases these wrapper objects can be. Class Summary. AbstractLazyInitializer · BasicLazyInitializer, Lazy initializer for POJOs. CGLIBLazyInitializer, A LazyInitializer implemented using the CGLIB bytecode generation library. CGLIBProxyFactory · Dom4jLazyInitializer, Lazy initializer for "dom4j" entity representations. Dom4jProxy, Proxy for "dom4j" entity. Este problema foi resolvido com a versão 1.6.1 do DOM4J. Atenção ao usar este método com o método FileUtil.saveToFile(String, String) e afins. Isto porque ao gravar como UTF-8 os caracteres são adulterados guardando por exemplo "é" em 2 caracteres (ou seja pega nos dois caracteres UTF-8 e transforma-os em 2. doc.valueOf("/wsdl:definitions/wsdl:binding/wsdl:operation[@name='echo']/wsdl:input[@name='echoRequest']/wsdlsoap:body/@namespace"));. assertEquals(. "",. View Full Code Here. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. Document doc = DocumentHelper.parseText(wsdl);. public void parse(org.dom4j.Element elem). Description copied from class: AbstractBaseDescription: Populates fields from given XML element without validation. Overrides: parse in class AbstractBaseDescription. Parameters: elem - root element for parsing. [INFO ]: org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector - Redirect requested but followRedirects is disabledAxisFault faultCode: {}HTTP faultSubcode: faultString: (302)D plac Temporairement faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: {}:return code: 302. ... api/2.4/servlet-api-2.4.jar:/home/joachimvda/.m2/repository/relaxngDatatype/relaxngDatatype/20020414/relaxngDatatype-20020414.jar:/home/joachimvda/.m2/repository/com/sun/xml/bind/jaxb-impl/2.1.3/jaxb-impl-2.1.3.jar:/home/joachimvda/.m2/repository/dom4j/dom4j/1.4/dom4j-1.4.jar:/home/joachimvda/.m2/repository/. Common mistakes. Let's start with the leaks that aren't necessarily bugs, but failure to follow guidelines or best practice. It may also be API:s that have the potential to cause classloader leaks, while they also provide a means to avoid them. brary; dom4j. 1 open source library for working with XML; jdom. 2 library for accessing, manipulating, and outputting. XML data; xom. 3 tree-based API for processing XML and the XML processing API from the .NET platform. The second set of APIs implement the functionality related to. GUI toolkits, graphical widgets and. 虽然DOM4J代表了完全独立的开发结果,但最初,它是JDOM的一种智能分支。它合并了许多超出基本XML文档表示的功能,包括集成的XPath支持、XML Schema支持以及用于大文档或流化文档的基于事件的处理。它还提供了构建文档表示的选项,它通过DOM4J API和标准DOM接口具有并行访问功能。从2000下. getRootElement();; String docXmlText="document".asXML();; String rootXmlText="root".asXML();; Element memberElm="root".element("member" );; String memberXmlText="memberElm".asXML();; dom4j API 包含一个解析 XML 文档的工具。本文中将使用这个解析器创建一个示例 XML 文档。清单 1 显示了这个示例. Convenience methods for working with the DOM API. 21. DOM Utils. 22. Utilities to read DOM. 23. W3C DOM utility methods. 24. Read XML as DOM. 25. Utility method for parsing the XML with DOM. 26. Handles DOM processing allowing the reading and writing of hierarchical structures as XML files. 27. Xml Utils for dom4j. dom4j is an open source Java library for working with XML, XPath and XSLT. It is compatible with DOM, SAX and JAXP standards. The library is distributed under an BSD-style license. Versions[edit]. The latest stable version of dom4j, 1.6.1, was released on May 16, 2005. The alpha-2 version of dom4j 2.0.0 was released on. Java web google development books result illuminated. Dom4j1.6.1. Xml document object model based on java collections framework java 1.4. Released on may 20 2005. Download 1.6.1. Documentexception import xreader public class foo.. Applying xslt on a document is quite straightforward using the jaxp api from. This website used to host dom4j an easy to use open source library for working with xml xpath and xslt on the java platform using the java collections framework and with full support for dom sax and jaxp. We have nothing to do with the develomment of dom4j but we decided to put up this pagenbsp. At. The dom4j api. 0' Gradle Release Notes Here, for example, the versions of gson and dom4j are provided by the Spring Boot BOM.. 2015 · JSON parsing using GSON In this webservices tutorial we are going to learn how to parse json api using gson library and Using gradle please Adding & Customizing the Gson Converter For those of. ConstructingParser XML Processing in Scala}} 2: 4: Jan 18, 2016 · How to Parse XML data using Spark XML APIs. scala-xml - The standard Scala XML library.. I was interested to see what some of our java xml parsing code written using Dom4j , val title: String, val Practical Scala – processing XML. examples import scala. Caused by: org.dom4j.DocumentException: Connection timed out: connect Nested exception: Connection timed out: connect at at org.hibernate.util.xml.MappingReader.readMappingDocument( Reply. Mohammad Amr says. ConstructingParser XML Processing in Scala}} 2: 4: Jan 18, 2016 · How to Parse XML data using Spark XML APIs. scalaxb is an XML data-binding tool for. _ import scala. collections I was interested to see what some of our java xml parsing code written using Dom4j , val title: String, val Practical Scala – processing XML. BeanInfo object, which in this example, you may request with a Dec 10, 2011 JSR 303 (Bean Validation) is the specification of the Java API for JavaBean validation in. How to Validate XML using Java - configure SAX, DOM, dom4j and XOM to validate XML Documents with DTD and Schema(s) Field List Validator Example.