August 2008
This city falls asleep as we speak The night steals the light from this town And no one is out, except for those who don't have what we call home.
Var mikket trevligt i malmö idag med en massa emosar bl.a Ida... Ska in till malmö igen imorgon o handla ^^
never understood how she could mean so little to so many why does she mean everything to me is it worth the pain with noone to blame for all of my insecuritys how did I ever let you go Billy Talent
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you Pictures and some memories will have to help me through :'( i'll miss you
HAHAHA!!! xD Fattar inte att jag laddar upp denna, men skitsamma jag hade tråkigt igår och underhöll mig med ps ett tag... Har förövrigt flyttat till lund nu, o