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2 Sep 2017 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic | Table of Contents | Walkthrough[show] File:KotOR Map Grove.png . If you approach from the west and you don't want to investigate the case of the Murdered Settler until later, make sure another member of your party is leading when you encounter the Twi'lek
30 Jul 2004 Sidequest Guide Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic jiyu aifu version 1 Contents 1. Introduction ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guide will explain all details about each of the side quests in this game. . Murdered Settler A twi'lek Jedi named Bolook stands on a bridge on the west side of the Grove.
7 Feb 2017 Finishes "Murdered Settler" ¤ Soft buffer to skip the Juhani fight - Talk to Juhani - Loot both nearby Mandalorian corpses - Return to Ebon Hawk. Jedi Enclave: - Talk to Zhar - Finishes "Jedi Trials" - Begins "The Jedi Council" - Talk to Master Vandar - When prompted, add Carth to party (in addition to Bastila)
9 Sep 2014
To the east of here will be a group of three Kath Hounds around a dead settler's remains, which happens to be Casus. Loot the corpse to get a diary. Now go to the Sandral Estate and tell him He will automatically ask you for your help in solving a murder. This is a one time chance so accept. If you give up at any time you
3 Mar 2017 I couldn't find the liar that involved in the murder of Calder,that is,I don't have the choice that point out both of them are lying.But I have already talked to Handon and Rickard for many times and investigated the pls tell me how to finish that side quest,thanks! <. 1, 1. > Showing 1-8 of 8 comments.
1 - Exit Exit to Matale Grounds (#6). 2 - Exit Exit to Matale Grounds (#7). 3 - "Murdered Settlers" Quest On the bridge you're approached by Bolook, a Twi'lek Jedi investigating a recent murder. If you decide to leave the area, you won't get another chance at this quest, and it's worth a lot of exp. He's got the two suspects and
9 Sep 2014
24 Jul 2012 Jedi Training - Star Wars: KOTOR: The Ebon Hawk eventually touches down to friendly Dantooine. The Jedi Council is located here. After some talk, Bastila His name is Bolook, a Jedi sent by the Jedi Council to investigate a murder in the area. If you tell him you don't want to and he leaves, that's it, you
25 Jul 2006 Supposedly he's the one accused of murder--but they both did it! You need the proof, though, which is why you had to question the droid on both men's relationships to the dead man. So here's the story: the runner, complete with NOT stolen blaster, came up toCalder?and shot him. The hunter, thinking