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Small Group Study Guide for Dies Domini: On Keeping the Lord's Day Holy. On the feast of Pentecost 1998, the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II published the Apostolic. Letter Dies Domini, Keeping the Lord's Day Holy. In the introduction to this wonderful treat- ment of the Lord's Day, the pope expressed three hopes:.
16 Jan 2017 St. John Paul II's Dies Domini, Keeping the Lord's Day Holy, was an Apostolic Letter published on the feast of Pentecost 1998. References: Dies Domini Apostolic Letter from Vatican; Small group study guide for Dies Domini from Archdiocese of Chicago
8 Oct 2016 The Apostolic Letter Dies Domini – Keeping the Lord's Day Holy reminds us: "Since Sunday is the weekly Easter, recalling and making present the day upon which Christ rose from the dead, it is also the day which reveals the meaning of time. It has nothing in common with the cosmic cycles according to
31 Dec 2007 DIES DOMINI. ON KEEPING THE LORD'S DAY HOLY. Chaper I The Celebration of the Creator's Work. Chapter II The Day of the Risen Lord and of the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Chapter III The Eucharistic Assembly: Heart of Sunday. Chapter IV Sunday: Day of Joy, Rest and Solidarity. Chapter V Sunday: The
3 May 2017 Our prayer group has been reading Pope Saint John Paul II's Dies Domini at our Sunday evening meetings since Easter. Dies Domini is a relatively Do you puzzle in prayer, study, or conversation about parts of the readings that are unclear to you? . Lead me and guide me, to spend the day with you.
Dies Domini Study Guide Questions for personal reflection: I: Dies Domini -- Celebration of the Creator's Work. In what ways is Sunday rest different from a day of work? (DD 9-11); In what ways is Sunday a time to gaze upon God in love? (DD 12); In what ways is Sunday a time to be detached from the world? (DD 15)
DIES DOMINI OF THE HOLY FATHER JOHN PAUL II TO THE BISHOPS, CLERGY AND FAITHFUL OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ON KEEPING THE LORD'S DAY HOLY. My esteemed Brothers in the Episcopate and the Priesthood, Dear Brothers and Sisters! 1. The Lord's Day — as Sunday was called from Apostolic
Study of Liturgical Documents, A study of liturgical documents from Vatican II and beyond. Themes Dies Domini, A presentation on the Apostolic Letter of John Paul II on the Lord's Day. Scriptural Study of the Mass, A series of presentations on scriptural passages especially in the Old Testament that relate to the Mass.
11 Dec 2008 1:10 are here under dispute), who no doubt studied under St. John before the Apostle's exile, and who afterwards became himself the bishop of St. John's churches in Asia Minor.[24] St. Ignatius gives us explicit testimony that in this age of the Church “the Lord's day" referred to Sunday, and not to the old