Wednesday 16 March 2011 photo 1/2
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hi
Stranger: lets cut to the chase
A) Male wanting a normal convo with Female
B) Male wanting a normal convo with Male
C) Male horny wanting a convo with horny Female
D) Male horny wanting a convo with horny Male
E) Female wanting a normal convo with Male
F) Female wanting a normal convo with Female
G) Female horny wanting a convo with horny Male
H) Female horny wanting a convo with horny Female
You: a and b
You: wichever one is fine
You: :P
Stranger: ok
You: not annything new to poke?
You: :O
Stranger: wait wat r u asking?
You: it's nothing wierd
Stranger: ik that
You: i'm just asking if u poke people :P
Stranger: hahaha i poke my freinds on fb but not like randumm people
You: :O
You: u don't
You: then how u u get to know new people?
Stranger: i talk to them
Stranger: lozl
Stranger: like hang out with a goup of people n then usally they bring freinds n then we alll talk lolz
You: it's really eazy.... u go up to some one and poke them and say "hello persson who are u?" and then usually are like "hehe u seam wierd" and then you " well yes i am quite wierd" and make a funnie face :O
Stranger: haha u accauly do that
Stranger: ?
You: some times
You: i like to keep it original :P
You: :D
Stranger: haha wow if u did that were i live they would be like fuck off
You: or i migh like ... say i see a cupple of perssons talking that i think looks intresting i sneek intop their group and pokes in a comment some where
You: like if they are talking about sports .. i will be like yeah that is pretty cool , so do u like to jsut look at the clouds some times?.. then they are usually .... meeergh who are u? and i'm likle yeah i'm friends with "random name" he told me to meat him here like 15 mins ago and i got boored
You: meet*
You: with a bit of persistens and/or a good lie everything works :D
Stranger: haha so does it usally end well
You: not always but they never hit me ... cose if they try to i'm like *ziiiiing* and i'm running "/
You: don't like fighting :3
You: :I
Comment the photo

Sat 26 Mar 2011 00:05
:o min renekton<3

Thu 17 Mar 2011 20:40

Thu 17 Mar 2011 21:11
heter kinmotsu där så att du inte blir förvirrad över när jag addar dig :P
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