Wednesday 16 March 2011 photo 2/2
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okej fan nu har jag varit i farten igen :O You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: hi
You: :)
Stranger: hi
You: how are u?
Stranger: i'm sad
You: why is that?
Stranger: hmm i've wondering what's the purpose of my life..
You: well
You: hmmmm
You: the purpose of life is.....
You: to.. hmmmm
You: 34
Stranger: ...? :)
Stranger: 34?
You: yes that is the meaning of life :O
You: ither that or the color yellow
Stranger: haha what does that even mean? ^^
Stranger: :)
You: i don't know
You: :O
You: it just is
You: u know
Stranger: Mhmm
You: thogh u wanted to know the meaning of life not the meaning of the meaning of life :O
Stranger: Thanks for trying to cheer me up. ^^
You: well i think it's better not to think about the meaning of life
You: and just live in the moment
You: I thiunk that is the way to obtain true happyness :3
Stranger: yes i do that normally. but every once in a once in 2 months...i just think of it spontaneously and then i'm sad for 2 days..
You: well then u need to drink more :D
Stranger: ^^
You: and mabe smoke some pot :O
Stranger: hahaa that's not very good advice i'd say :P
You: hahah ofc it is :P
You: itäs the verry best advice :O
You: i'm smokiung fome now :3
You: some*
You: smoking*
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: haha good for you ^^
You: yes it is :3
Stranger: XD
You: my friends are telling me to ignore u for a moment but i don't wanna :3
You: u are intresting
Stranger: haha ok..
Stranger: you should though!
You: why is that?
You: why should i ignot u?
You: ignore*
Stranger: i dunno lot's of better things to do than talk to a sad person, i'd say
You: i like talking to people dusnt matter if they are sad or not :O
Stranger: haha that's nice i guess
You: well if they are like suicidal then they are booring :O
Stranger: haha
Stranger: i wonder if i'm suicidal!
You: cose they are like ..... " hello my life sux"
You: i don't think so :O
Stranger: ^_^
Stranger: yeah suicide would be such a drag
You: u acually seem like a normal healthy persson
Stranger: do i? :)
You: ecept the fact u don't smoke grass :O
You: :P
Stranger: oh ofcourse that part!
You: so what kind of liqour do u like?
Stranger: meh i don't drink ^^
You: no wunder that u think about the meaning of life :P
Stranger: haha whats the connection in thattt!
You: liqour makes u do thigngs opn inpuls
You: u do it and they it's over with
You: then*
Stranger: haha yeahh but you aren't drunk all the time
You: no ofc not
Stranger: so you could still be thinking about life's purpose while you aren't under the effect of the liquor :)
You: that is when u smoke :P
You: or do somthing random :O
Stranger: AHA
Stranger: anything but think eh? :)
You: yes that is right :3
You: u can paint or wright somthing
Stranger: :)
You: or mabe just run around at home
You: as long as u don't smash stuff
Stranger: haha yes ofcourse
Stranger: or watch a movie!
Stranger: or cartoons haha
You: yeah exatly
You: u are starting to get it :D
Stranger: looooooooooooooooolllll
Stranger: but once you ARE sad you don't wanna do any of that ^_^
You: that is when u ignore the sad part and do it ither way :P
Stranger: if it was only that easy :)
You: sure it might suck the first 20-30 mins but then u have forgoten the part about being sad :O
You: it is :O
You: everything is that eazy :P
You: easy*
Stranger: meh i've been sad since yesterday -___-
Stranger: your technique doesn't work :P
You: it dose for me :O
Stranger: do you think about the purpose of life? :P
You: no i don't
Stranger: see!
You: cose if u ask me it's uterly worthless to think about it
Stranger: why do you think that?
You: if u wanna think about stuff like that ask urself how menny stars there is out there :O
You: it jsut is
You: u don't get annywhere with it :P
Stranger: lol what does that have to do with purpose of living forward!!
Stranger: you could...i thinking a lot and finding an answer? :)
You: it dose n ot work like that :O
You: for every awnser u find there will be like 2-5 more questions to awnser
Stranger: like what?
You: id on't know
You: it just is like that
Stranger: Mhmm.
You: it's alwys like that
You: if u find an awnser to somthing that big u are like yeah and why is it like that
You: or how come it is like that
You: and then u are like yeah tht is probably because...
Stranger: but i'm not questioning the "why", i'm questioning the "what"
You: and they u just start questioning that and finding an awnser for that and then u question that one
You: yeah but is u find the what
You: u will ask the why
You: and how
You: and when
You: and where
You: and so on and so on
Stranger: mhmm
You: yeah but ither way i will go and take some more smokes from the bong now and i will fuck out a bit and then me and my friends will go out to town and do somthiung really funny they say :O
You: just gotta go with them :O
Stranger: I think there's no point in living for oneself because you're just gonna die like every individual. So it's better live for the society because the society will keep on flourishing..
You: bye
Stranger: yeah sure!
Stranger: bye