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The Equalizer Full Movie Hindi Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r0fuv
Robert McCall, one of the best covert operatives in the business became disenchanted with his work in a CIA-like organization known only as "the Company." Seeking redemption for some of his darker exploits, McCall resigned, and offered his services through newspaper ads to people in trouble, who were beyond the help of official channels, like the police. McCall used his skills in espionage and frequently enlisted the help of former colleagues still in the Company to get the job done. He also continued to maintain contact with his friend and former boss, a man known only as Control.
Robert McCall is a former spy, who has left the Agency that he worked for. He is trying to make a normal life and to establish a link with his estranged son. He also has to deal with his former superior, who needs his help every now and then, which is why he left the Agency and people from his days as a spy. But for whatever reason, he takes out an ad in the newspaper that states "Got a problem, need help, odds against you, Call The Equalizer". And he gets all sorts of calls from people who need help, people who tried to get help from the police but because of lack of information, or probable cause, or shortage of manpower, can't help them. So they turn to him.
The consensus of the other reviewers is that this is an excellent detective/mystery series; certainly I agree with that and probably cannot add anything of substance to their comments. As to the program, all I will say is Edward Woodword's fine, convincing acting, the excellent plot development (in every episode, each of which usually stands on its own), the choice of a great supporting cast and Stewart Copeland's fine scores--what more could one want in a TV show. In fact, The Equalizer was and probably still is too good for television.
My real purpose in originally writing this was to attempt to prod the owner of the copyright, Universal, to make all the episodes (and possibly some that might be in the can and not yet shown) available on DVD. From the plethora of very positive comments it is obvious that this is not only an artistic success but something that likely would be commercially feasible. I first wrote: "Should it not be made available on DVD, I guess I will have to content myself to try to find all the episodes on VHS and dub them onto DVD-R." Since then I have obtained a set from TVDVDPlanet.com of (it claims) all the episodes on 22 DVD-Rs in boxes with no manufacturer on the label. I have viewed several and they were crudely taped from TV(some even say A&E on them). Video quality is very poor. Apparently this is region free. It seems all are DVD-R not DVD and quality is awful. Packages are shipped from Canada.
Since writing the above I learned that Season One would be officially released by Universal in the States and it has been. This is a region 1 DVD. It is a 5 disc set with all 22 episodes from the first season. It can be ordered at Amazon.com and other sellers. Technical quality is very good. I did notice that one episode was in stereo though the packaging says mono. Definitely worthwhile and I hope they follow through on the rest.
Since writing the above I have noted that the domain TVDVDPlanet.com has been taken away from one Alan Knight of Key West Florida by Planet Entertainment, Inc. The complaint alleged that the website may be offering unauthorized and infringing product to the public. See http://www.tvdvdplanet.com/tvdvdplanet.pdf. Nothing was said about the "quality" (or lack of it) of the product.
Thomas J McKeon Indianapolis
Th Equalizer was a a dreadful show-totally over the top unrealistic! Edward Woodward was a rotten actor and lived up to the 'Wood' part of his name! Who could forget his block of wood performance in this show! Why criminals such as murderers, rapists and drug dealers would be afraid of a middle-aged English Man waving a pistol at them is beyond me! It was laughably bad, although the Title Music by Stewart Copeland of The Police was it's only redeeming feature. Yet another of the worst 80's TV shows to be made and inflicted upon the viewing public, with the added bonus of contender for worst actor Edward Woodward starring, why did anyone pick this Tree to star in this series? He is as bad an actor as David Hasselhoff of Knight Rider and Baywatch fame!
No, although they both served in the Malayan War. Callan was a working class former National Serviceman (a British conscripted soldier between 1945-1960) and karate expert who was blackmailed into working for the British intelligence services after being caught robbing banks. McCall was the upper class Anglo-American son of a British Intelligence officer and his American wife who worked for American Intelligence. Robert McCall was the son of a distinguished British Army officer and an American showgirl whom he was ostracized by his family after marrying. His father would later be murdered by a colleague during the Suez campaign whilst Robert McCall was at boarding school, McCall holding a lifelong resentment against his father for their detached relationship. McCall would later join The Agency/Company, a branch of American intelligence which operated both at home and abroad serving in the Malayan War, Vietnam War and the Angolan conflict as well as other Cold War battlegrounds. He is deeply disturbed by his past deeds especially collaborating with Apartheid South Africa and helping to install dictatorships in South and Central America in the fight against communism. He was briefly married and fathered a son, Scott and we later learn he also had an illegitimate daughter with a past lover. In 1985 he became disilluisioned with his profession and left to become a freelance troubleshooter/vigilante. a5c7b9f00b
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