February 2009
Förlåt. Men skola är en enda lång plåga, man går dit bara för att man måste. Alla totalt ointresserade tonåringar sitter där, pratar, smsar och
I tried to live alone But lonely is so lonely you know So human as I am, I had to give up my defences So I smiled and tried to mean it To let myself let go
So here comes the next one, the next in line Stay as young you can, for the longest time Cause those days flew by Like a breeze just passing through Once, when I was little
Let me tell you how it'd be You won't get with this you see Cuz you can't handle me It's a simple fact that you can’t seem to handle me Don’t matter how you act with them you can&a
That's what you get when you let your head win, I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating And that's what you get when you let your head win,