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The Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r1wfd
Rival nations are secretly developing weapons that could threaten the future of mankind. Deep in the jungle, an elite tactical soldier must combine stealth with survival to infiltrate the enemy and stop a weapon of mass destruction from triggering the largest full-scale war the world has ever seen. The game is set in a sweltering jungle where players must fight for survival by battling relentless natural elements, as well as an onslaught of ruthless enemy soldiers.
In 1964, a U.S. government operative codenamed "Snake" must infiltrate mountainous Soviet territory to rescue a scientist building a weapon of terrible power.
<<< Warning! This review contains minor spoilers! >>>
I'm a huge Metal Gear fan, and therefore I had certain expectations to the new MGS game, Snake Eater. Sorry, Konami didn't quite do it this time. I'll start with the bad:
1. Everybody was excited about this game because you got to know who Big Boss was. You got to know what made him the man he became. Unfortunately, this is only half the truth. The game doesn't tell us why he became 'corrupt'.
2. It's standard that Konami spice up MGS by adding some paranormal activity. Like, a unexplainable event, or a bizarre character. This time they went overboard. This time you encounter a ghost, a zombie and a man whose body carries an electric charge of 10.000.000 volts, among other things. Sorry, but this time it just isn't fun anymore.
I'm a incredibly picky guy, but this two little snags is the only two things that disappointed me. Otherwise, the game is all that and then some. I expected at least an explanation as to Big Boss lost his eye, a better way to eliminate enemies without actually killing them, more sub games, both hidden and apparent, in-game jokes and trivias, and last but not least, a game that would confuse me in a much larger degree than the other MGS games had done earlier. Wow, guess what. I got the lot! In all, what Konami has done this time, is to take all the best bits they liked themselves from all the other MGS-games, and put them in Snake Eater. Then they have reviewed these from what the players liked and disliked, and improved them to their likings.
Now, the one feature that has been improved the most and that I loved the most is the Demo Theatre. (Note: The reason why I point out this feature in particular is because this is my personal favorite. I can understand if people disagree with me, but I've always looked at the MGS games rather as 'interactive films' than actual games.) Metal Gear Solid introduced the Demo Theatre itself, but you had to sit and confirm the start of each cut scene, but you got the whole story, even with some text screens telling what happened between each cut scene. In SoL/Sub. (in my opinion, the worst Demo Theatres EVER) you got to see only a few scenes, but you could play a bit around with them, like exchanging the characters with other characters. The selection differed a bit between SoL and Sub., but neither had any good alternatives. But, they did introduced Zoom and Alt.Cam (Alternative Camera) functions. (And on a personal note, I really disliked Raiden. So, in every cutscene I knew someone would get hurt in, I put him in that person's place. I admit that I put the hurt on the poor, little s.o.b. multiple times.) Snake Eater, however, has changed that. And all for the better. In Snake Eater, you get ALL the cutscenes! Well, some of them might have passed you by during gameplay, but when you unlock the DT, you will see the blank spots and can get them later. Actually, (just to reach the very top point of my pickyness) sometimes small details might have been added or removed from a cutscene, depending on whether you have done something in forehand, or forgot to do something. Example; if you didn't find your 'fake cigarettes', you don't get them when you're caught and tortured. You can also start the Theatre where ever in the story you want to, and you can choose whether you want the following scenes will follow automatically, or if you just want to play them one by one. (No need to sit with the controller in your lap and confirm every scene that starts unless you actually want to.) All scenes have Zoom function, and many's got Alt.Cam as well. Now, MGS beat Snake Eater on two points; One: The total overall time of the entire theatre in MGS was 4 to 5 hours, depending on how long you let the text screen stay. In Snake Eater, the total is 6 hours, 30 minutes. It's longer than one of the Lord of the Rings films in their Special Edition versions. IT might be a bit tiresome to watch it all. Two: There's no text screens, making it sometimes a bit strange. Like, in one cut scene, you will see Snake first in the torture room, and then, if you have unlocked the prison cutscenes, Snake's in a cell. And then suddenly he's running through the sewers...? What happened in between? How did he get out? Snake Eater should've maybe have adapted the text screens from MGS as well. A good alternative would've been a credits-like text rolling over the screen between the cutscenes, and maybe someone reading them out loud. Just like what Snake does at the very start of the game. Also, the DT in MGS did include all essential Codec calls from the game, No matter if it was made during ordinary gameplay. In Snake Eater, you just get those calls that were made during a cutscene
Still, Snake Eater is the Demo Theater Champ. No doubt.
Another thing that Metal Gear Solid games has, is a great updating. VR Missions and Substance are great additions to their respective host games. However, Snake Eater is a bit different. Here you can plug into the net and download bonus camos from the official website. That's genius. For those who doesn't have access to the net, the website camos will eventually be available on disc later. Or at least that's what I've heard...
One word wraps up Metal Gear Solid 3 perfectly: perfection. This game is the closet one can get to having a perfect video game. MGS 3 is in a league of its own compared to any other game out there. It's beautifully written, brilliantly voiced, and stunningly composed. This game truly shows that video games are a form of art. To the critics who say otherwise, I have one question for them, have you ever played Metal Gear Solid?
Metal Gear Solid 3 takes place in the 1960s in the midst of the Cold War. Once again, you resume the role of the hero Snake, but this time, it's not the Solid Snake we've all come to know and love. No, instead, it's Naked Snake, or, as the name you might know him by, Big Boss. Yes, that's right, Solid Snake's father. But, have no fears, David Hayter supplies his voice for Big Boss as well, and the young Big Boss is an exact duplicate of Solid Snake.
Big Boss is sent in on a mission to retrieve the famous rocket scientist Nikoali Stepanovich Sokolov who is working on a top-secret project for the Soviet Union. After you retrieve him though, the real story begins. While Snake is escorting Sokolov out of the jungles of Soviet Russia, his mentor, The Boss, betrays him, and the United States, and steals two miniature nuclear shells as a "gift" for her new host, Coloner Volgin. Colonel Volgin then deploys a miniature shell at a design bureau, and now Russia thinks the U.S. is at fault. Snake now must head back into Russia, and prove the U.S.'s innocence in the matter. Throughout Snake's journey, he runs into a cast of bizarre characters, and a familiar face to the MGS series, Revolver Ocelot. Except this time, Ocelot is about 40 years younger.
The story of MGS 3 proves to be the best one yet, filled with twists and turns, as Snake unravels a conspiracy, and more details to the ever-epic storyline of Metal Gear Solid. Once you finish the game, you'll stand up, applaud, and ask yourself, "Can a game get any better than this?"
Well, I guess we'll have to wait 'til MGS 4 to answer that question.
22. Old Metal Gear (Starry.K)
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