Tuesday 18 September 2018 photo 1/7
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Fallen Movie Mp4 Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qxc8b
Homicide detective John Hobbes witnesses the execution of serial killer Edgar Reese. Soon after the execution the killings start again, and they are very similar to Reese's style.
Det. John Hobbes is convinced that when killer Edgar Reese is executed, all of his troubles are over. But when people he knows and people on the street start to sing the same tune that Reese sang in the gas chamber, and those same people taunt him, he is told that maybe the cursed fallen angel Azazel is behind it all. Azazel is cursed to roam the Earth without a form, and he can switch bodies by any contact, making him hard to track. When Hobbes is forced to kill a man possessed by Azazel, he must clear his name while protecting his family and others from the evil, vengeful Azazel.
"Fallen" is a movie that benefits tremendously from repeated viewings. The first time I saw it, >. The second viewing, which took place the following night, had the effect of clearing up 99% of the "muddle" and a personal "re-rating" of 3 1/2 stars. I also came to realize (the second time around) that the "narrator" of this movie is not at all the person I thought he was... but I've given away too much already. Looking forward to a third viewing... but I think I'll wait awhile this time. 8/10.
Fallen" is an interesting horror/thriller movie . You could say it's more of a thriller with paranormal element . I don't think that this movie is scary .
Gregory Hoblit does a fine job with the film.In spite of the fact that one knows what is going on for a good half-hour before the detective hero clicks on, both Hoblit and the script unfold these revelations with a decent degree of tension and suspense. There is also a beautifully written twist ending – the first one has ever seen that manages to so twist first-person voice-over completely on its head.
Denzel Washington is good as always . He portrayed the transformation from cool and confident cop into frightened prey very convincingly. Elias Koteas is having fun with his role, even if it's a small one. Donald Sutherland doesn't put a lot of effort into his role , but he's still nice . James Gandolfini makes appearance , but the movie somehow forgets about him in the final minutes. I wasn't sure about John Goodman in the role of cop. Surprisingly it doesn't come out as a comic relief . He does have few nice jokes , yet is role is serious and he gets a chance to shine.
It's a nice touch from the movie makers that "Sympathy for the devil" by Rolling Stones is a recurring theme . It adds an ironic distance to whole story.
Not bad movie worth recommendation for both horror and thriller movie fans. Not really rewatchable , I do however recommend to watch it once. I give it 5/10.
say to the Watchers of heaven, who have sent thee to intercede for them: "You should intercede" for men, and not men for you: Wherefore have ye left the high, holy, and eternal heaven, and lain with women, and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men and taken to yourselves wives, and done like the children of earth, and begotten giants as your sons? And though ye were holy, spiritual, living the eternal life, you have defiled yourselves with the blood of women, and have begotten with the blood of flesh, and, as the children of men, have lusted after flesh and blood as those also do who die and perish. Therefore have I given them wives also that they might impregnate them, and beget children by them, that thus nothing might be wanting to them on earth. But you were formerly spiritual, living the eternal life, and immortal for all generations of the world. And therefore I have not appointed wives for you; for as for the spiritual ones of the heaven, in heaven is their dwelling...And now as to the watchers who have sent thee to intercede for them, who had been aforetime in heaven, say to them: "You have been in heaven, but all the mysteries had not yet been revealed to you, and you knew worthless ones, and these in the hardness of your hearts you have made known to the women, and through these mysteries women and men work much evil on earth." Say to them therefore: "You have no peace". [1 Enoch 15-16] a5c7b9f00b
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Camera info
Camera P45+
Focal length 80 mm
Aperture f/9.5
Shutter 1/10 s
ISO 50