Saturday 28 March 2009 photo 2/2
The Competitive Enterprise Institute plans to recognize Human Achievement Hour between 8:30pm and 9:30pm on March 28, 2009 to coincide with Earth Hour, a period of time during which governments, individuals, and corporations have agreed to dim or shut off lights in an effort to draw attention to climate change. Anyone not foregoing the use of electricity in that hour is, by default, celebrating the achievements of human beings.
We salute the people who keep the lights on and produce the energy that helps make human achievement possible.
Green and private conservation are fine. We have no problem with an individual (or group) that wants to sit naked in the dark without heat, clothing, or light. Additionally, we would have no problem with the group holding a pro-green technology rally. That is their choice. But when this group stages a global election with the express purpose of influencing government policies to take action against global warming, we have every right as individuals to express our vote for the opposite
If Human Achievement Hour is at all a dig against Earth Hour, it is so only by the fact that we are pointing out what Earth Hour truly is about: it isnt pro-earth, it is anti-man and anti-innovation. So, on March 28th, CEI plans to continue voting for humanity by enjoying the fruits of mans mind.
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Beror på hur menar med att de inte kan läsa på? Hävdar herren att det inte finns något som heter växthuseffekten? :)
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Inga källor har visat att isbjörnspopulationen minskat, utan bara lolande miljömuppar.
Nike, vad är det för fel på dig egentligen?!
"We salute the people who keep the lights on and produce the energy that helps make human achievement possible."
tänker chilla och spela Snes resten av dan^^
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