Tuesday 18 September 2018 photo 5/7
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The Old Texas Trail Telugu Full Movie Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qzrlh
As Jim Wiley, a stageline troubleshooter, arrives he is shot and relieved of his identification papers. Thinking him dead, those against the stage line construction send an imposter in his place to slow down the work. But Jim survives and now believed to be the outlaw that shot him, gets a job on the construction crew in an effort to find the big boss behind all the trouble.
Tall, dark Rod Cameron stars in this taut western from the mid 1940's. On his way to the site of some stage-line construction, he is ambushed and presumed dead. He survives the attack and follows up (incognito) to get to the bottom of the scalawag's shenanigans .....
Cameron has an opportunity here to play what amounts to a dual role, with good results. In his long career, he became typecast as many other western stars did. This film shows that his range as an actor was actually fairly broad. The supporting cast was fine and the film was paced fairly well.
While this is a routine shoot-em-up, fans of Cameron will find this one entertaining and fun. Not bad at all .........
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