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ecaflip guide 2017
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wakfu ecaflip build 2017
Class: Ecaflip, Build: Strength. (Its a build of the ecaflip that is very powerful low level with Felintion). Main stats: Strength, Vitality, (Agility). Main spells: Low and middle levels: Heads or Tails (5), Felintion (5) Higher levels (70+): Playful Claw (5), Claw of Ceangal (5), Fate of Ecaflip (5), Felintion
Not really sad , str is by far the strongest element and would be best to focus on leveling Earth spells smile , chance is ok but all spells and akward range or downside ( all or nothing hitting you, and healing the turn after for example). If you wanted to hybridise though anc tree would be a good time as its a
Wakfu Build est un fansite base sur l'univers du jeu Wakfu. L'objectif du site est de proposer des outils ainsi que des articles pour vous aider a arpenter le monde de Wakfu. La recherche d'equipements ou la liste des builds et articles strategiques seront la pour vous aider. Si vous vous sentez l'ame d'un contributeur,
Phew.. Alright. After a day of playtesting Alrighty.. Here goes.. Let the Flamefest begin. -Earth Tree-. Crazy Random Damage, with High points and low points. Relies on God Ecaflip card to push big numbers. First off, let me start with this. Back when Ecaflip was originally implemented and the Earth skills were randomized
But be careful, it is a very serious matter for an Ecaflip, he won't hesitate to gamble his life on a throw of the dice to avoid paying his due. Strength: It is most recommended to boost your Strength as high as possible to make full use of the majority of the Ecaflip's Earth-based spells, as in the Ecaflip/Strength build. Somewhat
15 sept. 2017 L'Ecaflip est l'une des douze premieres classes de Dofus qui a beaucoup change au fil du temps. A sa creation, les sorts de l'Ecaflip etaient presque tous bases sur la chance, vous pouviez faire d'enormes degats comme vous pouviez a peine chatouiller un Piou. Aujourd'hui, ce principe de "chance" a plus
20 Jul 2017 ecaflip gear progression. By Azimis March 25, 2017, 14:49:07. 0, 487, March 25, 2017, 14:49:07. eca 3man dream team. By crippey March 21, 2017, 00:39:04. 8, 697, March 21, 2017, 23:31:09. Ecas. By finalmix March 08, 2017, 02:33:53. 3, 683, March 09, 2017, 09:39:54. Requesting a basic STR Eca guide. By Xtinguisher
L'Ecaflip Terre privilegiera toujours sa Force, c'est pourquoi il est important de monter d'abord au moins 200 points dans cet element. Vous aurez ensuite le choix de continuer a monter la Force jusqu'a 300, ou d'abord mettre quelques points en Vitalite, le but etant d'atteindre les +300 en Force et les +395 en Vitalite au
Class: Ecaflip, Build: Strength. Main stats: Strength, Vitality, (Agility). Main spells: Heads or Tails (5), Feline Spirit (5), Playful Claw (5), Fate of Ecaflip (5). Lv. 101 Base Stats. STR: 200. VIT: 200. WIS: (scroll) CHA: 0. AGI: (scroll) INT: 0. Lv. 101 Spells. Heads or Tails (5) Feline Spirit (5) Catnip (5) Wheel of Fortune (5) Smell (5)
How To become King Of Games Remastered (Tri Ecaflip Guide). Lore: When you're a god, even the roll of a die is predictable! But for the mere mortals who circle the black jack tables of the material world hungrily, there is no such luck. And here, it is the Ecaflips who rule over crook, thief, and gold-rusher,