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Book descriptionAfter the reduction of Smolensk, and when Napoleon reached Viazma, a town about one hundred and seventy miles from Moscow, consternation reigned in Moscow. The great battle had not yet been lost, and already people began to abandon that capital. In his proclamation, the governor-general, Count Rostopchin, told the women that he should not detain them, as the less fear there was, the less danger there would be; but that their brothers and husbands must stay, or they would cover themselves with infamy. He then added encouraging particulars concerning the hostile force, which consisted, according to his statement, of one hundred and fifty thousand men, who were reduced to the necessity of feeding on horseflesh. The emperor Alexander was about to return to his faithful capital; eighty-three thousand Russians, recruits and militia, with eighty pieces of cannon were marching towards Borodino, to join Kutusoff. He thus concluded: If these forces are not sufficient, I will say to you, Come, my Muscovite friends, let us march also! We will assemble one hundred thousand men; we will take the image of the Blessed Virgin, and one hundred and fifty pieces of cannon, and put an end to the business at once! It has been remarked, as a purely local singularity, that most of these proclamations were in the scriptural style, and highly poetical in their character. At the same time, a sort of balloon of prodigious size was constructed by command of Alexander, not far from Moscow, under the direction of a German artificer. The destination of this aerial machine was to hover over the French army, to single out its chief, and destroy him by a shower of balls and fire. Several attempts were made to raise it, but without success, the springs by which the wings were to be worked always breaking. Napoleons Retreat from Moscow (Illustrated) by Philippe-Paul de SГ©gur iBooks online how read via how to
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