Tekniskt fel pågår.
På grund av att en server kraschat är det vissa problem att ladda upp bilder.
Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
Netflix has found me a new tv-series about viruses and post apocalyptic stuff, and the best part: I've never seen it before! :D ♥ Netflix ♥
so it turns out that the new Silent Hill movie will in fact not be shown in cinemas in Norway at all.. and the new Resident Evil movie isn't due to be shown for at least another month (even though it'
filmkveld hos Sondrepus, med Marius også :) koselig. vi så Planet 51 og Expendables 2 xD
there's a party in mah stomach and all the chicken is invited! xD
from humble beginnings
to dragon slayer!
pretty ^^
size difference!
aaand I'm a vampire x)
needed a new bow ;)
look at the cute goggy! ;D
who's a good boy? ;D
nothing to see here, move along ;)
neat looking horse this ^^
pretty lights ^^
aaand another dragon goes down!
quite a view from on high ^^
snow elves.. look quite neat ^^
oh for the love of pete.. I'm really starting to HATE the sounds of children after being woken up by frantic screaming for the THIRD time today. The headache doesn't really help either.. *grumbles*
After a shitty night, with an equally shitty morning, my cutest Sondre came over and made me dinner after a drive to the store (and some random sight seeing because I felt cabin-feverish), and then JÃ
made cupcakes. I ran out of sensible boxes to store them in x)
behold! helheten av mitt kosthold om dagen x) og snjo..
innimellom lurer jeg på hva hjernen min driver med når jeg sover.. en av nattens drømmer: "først var jeg leonard fra big bang theory.. og gikk og snakka med en dude som hele tiden åpna dører fo