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Doepfer a155 manual: >> << (Download)
Doepfer a155 manual: >> << (Read Online)
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Doepfer A-155. 18 ratings. Doepfer A-155 .. advanced functions, such as reading the random sequence, ping pong etc, it is necessary to add his control module (which, in passing, allows to put two A-155 in following and thus to make a sixteen steps. ..) Everything is in the manual and summaries of the Doefper website.
Consequently manual and voltage con- trolled selection of the active step is possible. • Internal voltage controlled clock generator with manual and voltage controlled (with attenuator) clock rate, enables variable time length for each step, e.g. controlled by one of the analog rows of the. A-155. • Skipping of steps, e.g. the gate
Klangbeispiel unseres Kunden Robert Sigmuntowski fur die Verwendung des Sequenzers A-155 mit dem Sequential Switch A-151 zur Umschaltung der CV-Reihen: A155_A151_demo.mp3, Sound example by Robert Sigmuntowski . For more detailed information please look at the English user's manual: A155_man.pdf
Sep 27, 2012
Analog sequencer for CVs and trigger/gates. Two CV rows, each with selectable voltage range, glide and sample & hold optons. Three trigger rows and a one gate row. Logic inputs for clock, reset, start and stop. It's even possible to insert external signals per step instead, overriding the CV generated by the 2nd row's
doepfer. System A - 100 Analog / Trigger Sequencer A-155. 1. 1. Introduction. Module A-155 (Analog / Trigger Sequencer) is a com- bined 8-step analog and trigger sequencer: it can simultaneously produce sequences of analog voltages and trigger and/or gate signals. Module A-155 works very much like the Clock Sequen
Sep 20, 2012
Feb 6, 2015 Thanks a lot for the information.. Strange, on Doepfer manuals doesnt say that you can do that.say always that you need 2 A155 to have 16 steps Even on Doepfer`s web page say always that you need 2 A155 for the 16 steps. So it seems that inst really true! hmmm.. Thanks again. Cheers
For example the gate row of the A-155 can be used to obtain skipping of steps: the gate output simply has to be conneted to the CV input of the A-154 clock generator. If the corresponding switch of the A-155 is set correspondingly in the gate row the step will be skipped. Manual and voltage controlled (with attenuator) pulse
View and Download DOEPFER A-155 manual online. A-155 Recording Equipment pdf manual download.