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scratch lessons for beginners Getting Started. This guide shows you how to make a project in SCRATCH. To start a new project, go to. SCRATCH and click Create. If you have a SCRATCH account, sign in so your project saves. SCRATCH is a programming language that lets you create your own interactive stories, animations,
Getting Started with Scratch 2.0 Guide: Scratch Tutorials. Learn Scratch: Atomic Learning Tutorials: (you need an account and log on). Scratch Resources
page 17. Getting Started page 19. Key Programming Concepts page 20. Ruby Robot page 21. The Tool page 22. Learn by Doing page 23. Scratch Basics page 25. Coding Challenges page 27. Debugging Scratch page 30. When Technology Fails page 31. Next Steps page 32. Lesson Planning page 33. Other Resources.
This lesson series consists of eight “ready made" lessons, each of which has been planned to take just under 1 hour. • Each lesson demonstrates key concepts using concrete examples in a step by step format. The prescriptive format is appropriate because: – The structured lessons provide a compliment to the explorative
Lesson 1: Basic, basic script. Goal: Make Scratch the cat walk back and forth on the screen. 1. File > New. 2. Click on. 3. Drag over to the script area. 4. Double-?click on it. -? When you double-?click on a script, it runs it, once. 5
Scratch tm. Programming for Teens. Jerry Lee Ford, Jr. Course Technology PTR. A part of Cengage Learning. Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States
Shall We Learn | 1. Scratch Programming. Lesson 1: Introducing Scratch and Creating Sprite. Have you heard of Scratch? No, not what you do to your itch, but Scratch from MIT the famous school for the curiously brainy people? If you have not heard, seen, or played with Scratch, then you've been missing
Scratch Programming. Lesson 2: Animating a Sprite (Dance). In Lesson 1, we created a sprite and also create four costumes: “front", “back",. “facing left", and “facing right". In this lesson, we will make our sprite dance, and dance to the beat. Step 1: Dance. Open the “dance" project that we created in Lesson 1. Click “Sprite1"
STEP BY STEP: LESSON PLAN ON SCRATCH PROGRAMMING. BACKGROUND: The ability to code computer programs is an important part of literacy in today's society. When people learn to code in Scratch, they learn important strategies for solving problems, designing projects, and communicating ideas. With Scratch
TIME SCHEDULE. This course has been designed so that each lesson will occupy one meeting session with the students. Once the tutorial has been reviewed, the activity of the student will concentrate on mastering the new concepts presented. Practicing with Scratch and exploring all the possibilities of the new concepts