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11 Dec 2014 What is Muscle Tissue? • Composed of cells that are highly specialized to shorten in length by contractility. • Made up of cells that are called myocytes. • Elongated in one direction (muscle fibres). • Histologically, it is of 3 types: (i) Skeletal muscle. (ii) Cardiac muscle. (iii) Smooth muscle
Unit 9 Types of Muscle Tissues. 1. Warm-up. What is your opinion ? Information is not knowledge. (A. Einstein). 2. Reading. Task 1. Following terms are related to muscle tissue. The three types of muscle tissue are: voluntary, involuntary and cardiac. Indicate to which type of muscle the following statements relate.
Histologically identify and functionally characterize each of the 3 types of muscle tissues. • Describe the organization of the sarcomere as seen in light and electron microscopy. • Identify the endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium CT sleeves in muscle. • Relate the functional differences of the three muscle cell types.
Muscle tissue. Skeletal muscles constitute 35-65 % of carcass weight of meat animals. Smooth muscle - blood vessels. Cardiac muscle- is confined solely to the heart
Muscle tissues differ in their location, structure, and in the way they are stimulated to contract. All muscle tissue is composed of muscle fibers which are really muscle cells. Skeletal muscle is found attached to and covering bones. They are classified as skeletal, striated, voluntary muscles.
ORIGIN. Most of muscle tissue develops from mesoderm that gives rise to mesenchymal cells. • Skeletal muscle develops from paraaxial mesoderm, organized into myotomes in somites. Muscles of the head develop from mesenchyme of branchial arches. • Cardiac muscle develops from cardiogenic mesoderm. • Smooth
There are three types of muscle tissue: ? Skeletal muscle—Skeletal muscle tissue moves the body by pulling on bones of the skeleton. ? Cardiac muscle—Cardiac muscle tissue pushes blood through the arteries and veins of the circulatory system. ? Smooth muscle—Smooth muscle tissues push fluids and solids along the
Skeletal muscle (striated voluntary). Cardiac muscle (striated involuntary). Smooth muscle (nonstriated, involuntary). Voluntary muscle also referred to as somatic tissue, and involuntary muscle referred to as visceral tissue. The Muscular System. Anatomy and Physiology for Engineers. Slide 7-2. Properties of Muscle Tissue.
Objectives. 1. Name the four major tissue types and their subcategories. (c. muscle; d. nervous). 2. Explain the structure and function of the muscle and nervous tissues. 3. Give the chief locations of the muscle and nervous tissue in the body. 4. Be able to identify muscle and nervous tissue.
Dr. Sami Zaqout IUG. Connective tissue around muscle fibers and bundles. ? The epimysium is the C. T. around the whole muscle. ? The perimysium is the C. T. septa between the muscle bundles. ? Each muscle fiber is surrounded by C. T. endomysium. • In the connective tissue of the muscles, B. V., nerves and lymph.