Sunday 14 February 2010 photo 1/1
Sunday 14 February 2010 photo 1/1
Or not...
For those of yee who don't get the relation of this very day to the picture above: Either you ought to check your language skills or get out some more.
Anyway, point is, this is yet another of those days I spend in bored melancholy. It's kind of sad that a day that's meant to be such a glorious celebration of love, couples, chocolate and everything in those lines has for me always ended up being a pretty meaningless day filled with boredom. Though as of these later years, melancholy has been pretty successful in kicking boredom in the arse and taking it place as King of the Hill of Valentine's Day: one of the most discriminating holidays on our planet. Those of yee who've read my previous Valentine's Day rants may remember me comparing it to celebrating rich people for having money. Well, I still do, I could even go as far as comparing it to celebrating white people for being white, 'cause it almost seems that hard to attain. Some people are simply loved, some aren't, and what exactly makes them that isn't entirely clear either (as if that's ever been clear in ANY way).
To cut it short, it celebrates the lucky ones while leaving the rest to mope in their loneliness.
Probably, for those poor souls who've sought it though not yet attained it, or who might never attain or have attained it ever, it's nothing more that rubbing mud in their faces.
And how would I know that? Well, because that's precisely how I'm feeling this second here.
Not to say that my feelings haven't ever been reciprocated, they have... or at least, in a way. But still, it feels, and pretty damn much at that.
Call me a pathetic whiner if thou want, but if thou do that then thou probably art one of the people who this day is meant for, which means that thou should just count thyself lucky and shut up, lest I come and cut off thy limbs and leave thee out in the forest (of course I'd bandage thy wound so thou wouldn't bleed to death, we wouldn't want thee dead now would we?). Of course I'll eat it all, unless thou'rt sick, like afflicted with AIDS or having smoked to much. Then thou'd just taste like shit.
But seriously, I don't get it why there needs to be a day for the people who're the lucky ones to have somebody by their side. They're lucky and visible enough as it is, why would they need even more publicity? Why this need to flaunt it in front of everybody? What about the 3000 (yes you heard me right, THREE THOUSAND) people who DIE ALONE in this country each year. How about that? They die alone and their demise isn't even discovered until the tax collector comes some months later to finds the poor fellow's rotting corpse on the bed. Nice, isn't it? Ever though of having a day to remember those poor folks? Of course not, nobody gives a rat's arse about losers.
You know, I'm really just writing this to let off some steams, pressure's been getting a little too much lately. Though if thou think that I'm writing this out of jealousy, then though out to turn thy brain in to Scan for packaging and export to Papua New Guinea, since it's obviously not worth keeping. No, this feeling right here is called envy, simply envy. Envy of every person who has someone to cower to whenever that he (I'm a guy, go figure) feels his spirit waver. Envy of every man whose feelings aren't nurtured in vain. Envy of every guy who has someone special to share that truly meaningful moment with, whatever it may be.
Not to mention the raw despise for those guy who have a someone who truly loves them, then dumps her and hops onto the next like switching a train. People who can't appreciate their situation enough, not to mention their partner, that they throw her away like some rusty old toy worth only a nickle. Squanderers, wasters, greedy fookin' basterds. They're the ones who ought to be in my shoes right now, that would serve 'em right. Or the cheating bastard who fuck around like rabbits even though they already have one who really holds them dear (in vain). Had I been a girl and had a guy do that to me, I'd rip his balls of and cook soup out of them! Bloody idiots ought to be happy they get anything at all. That's what I've learnt in this life: no matter what thou get, be happy that though have it and have anything at all for that matter.
I swear, should I ever get a girlfriend, she'd have to be the one to break up, because I'll shot myself in the head before I ever break up. I take commitments DEAD seriously... and the divorce rate in this country is scandalous! Such a shameful folk that surrounds me.
Here's the end to my pathetic rant, hope thou've enjoyed thyself, otherwise thou've just wasted several minutes of thy precious life for a pile o' shit.
Btw, did any of you know that in South Korea, friends who don't have girlfriends go out to eat noodles and commiserate with eachother? Now that's a bloody fine tradition! Consequentially, does anybody want to eat some noodles?
The only one I AM going to honour today is my little cousin Bálint in Hungary, whose name's day is today (Bálint is Hungarian for Valentine).
Boldog Névnapot, Bálint!