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Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
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Hittade ett par låtar som påminde mig om min awesome Bleachfamily^^ Ken-chan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7gzrEHi44c You're strong and you don't take any crap from anyone.. But you also have a
Shiro-hime^^: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtW2ONEFD_c You're sweet and always smiling.. Making everyone around you smile with you.. Even though you are badass you have a pure and shining heart..^^
Halibel onee-chan^^: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MXoVuIo4Rc You have an understanding mind and are always there for your friends.. And even though you might feel like giving up sometimes, you jus
Gurra^^: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSqus2TlcsY You're funny, smiling and always joking.. You have the ability to lift my spirit when I'm feeling down^^
Furry-Kami-sama>_< : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gklL6MxpVoU You're really nice, easy-going and calm.. You are our own little Ero-kami-sama^^
Erica-Kami-Hime: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTq82gq_yJI&feature=related You're nice, gentle and sweet.. And even though you're quiet I know you're a very caring person^^
Här har vi ett par av mina future cosplays^^ Halibel i resurrecion, Erza Scarlet i Heavens Wheel armor, Integra Hellsing i battlekläder och Olivier Mira Armstrong^^ Neko: http://www.youtube.com/wat