June 2012
Nej vet ni vad? Det är snart UC och anledningen till att jag ser fram emot det är inte nödvändigtvis för att se på cosplays och konsumera japansk kultur utan mest av allt på grund av att jag vi
Idag var inte så mycket nationaldag för mig utan mer scoutdag då jag vaknade tidigt på morgonen för att hissa flaggor bredvid slottet (åt riksdans håll :3) Efter det hade vi fritid fram till v
De spelade just en kort bit från "Bad boy" av Big Bang under något fotbollssnack inför fotbolls mästerskapet i Ukraina!! O__O''~<3 Jag vart jätteförvånat och tjöt rakt ut "DET ÄR JU BIG B
@BroMakara Now begins my search of my favorite shiping in HS!! >:3 <3<3<3 First off we take the humans and in this case Rose x John!!~<3 This shouldn't end up that badly and I adore t
@BroMakara Now THIS one surprised me!! :O <3 Actually Dave and John are really cute together!! And I believe they would be good for each other in a sw33t way!! :'33 <3<3<3 I already got t
@BroMakara There isn't really that many pics with Rose x Dave, but I guess it would work even though... something about it really doesn't f33l quite... right about it =__='' noo... I think I'll say n
@BroMakara The picture might be cute and all, but no... I just can't s33 Dave and Jade having that sort of relationship :S That wouldn't be right ^^''~<3 Told ya I would continue with this projec
@BroMakara Oh gosh!! I'm starting to f33l really anoying now =___='' But oh well... I WILL continue this project til the end!! ^^''~<3 Sooooo John x Jade ey? =3=~ Hmmmm.... They DO look cute toge
@BroMakara So then! Rose x Jade huh? =3=~<3 it would kind of work, but no... i think ill pass this one ^^~<3 onwards to the next pairing!! :33 <3
@BroMakara Next is Karkat x Jade.... just... uh... no!! =__='' This wouldnt work by far!! >__>'' On with the next one!! ^^''~<3
@BroMakara Aradia x Jade? Well... uum... theyre both strange, but is still have a hard time seing this happening and... well no ^^''~<3
@BroMakara Sollux x Jade? Nnnnno.... i dont s33 a future in this and even if there were... no... it just wont work ^^''~<3
@BroMakara Jade x Tavros? They DO look kind of cute together, but... i wonder... really? :SS Hmm... this one i gotta seriously think about =__=''
After all those rejected pairings i n33d to ch33r myself up with those i really like :'3 <3 Nepeta x Eridan is forever going to be cute no matter what!! >///////<~<3<3<3 Aaaaaaaand i
@wwhatevver :SS waaaaaaaait a minute... since when did I become the man of this relationship!? :OO Dear gog!! >___>''