Tuesday 28 October 2014 photo 1/1
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Yes, I know, för mycket gubbiga herrar inom akademin, men Manuel Castells är så söt så han får vara med på bild (those cheeks!). Castells har sina uppenbara fel ofc, men åh han skriver mysigt och just sådana här texter eggar mig till att bli akademiker full time. Jag vill också kunna uttrycka en sådär torr vitsighet. Den här är början på introduktionen som heter The Call to Sociology:
"The twenty-first century of the Common Era did not
necessarily have to usher in a new society. But it did.
People around the world feel the winds of multidimensional
social change without truly understanding
it, let alone feeling a grasp upon the process of change.
Thus the challenge to sociology, as the science of study
of society. More than ever society needs sociology, but
not just any kind of sociology. The sociology that people
need is not a normative meta-discipline instructing
them, from the authoritative towers of academia, about
what is to be done. It is even less a pseudo-sociology made
up of empty word games and intellectual narcissism,
expressed in terms deliberately incomprehensible for
anyone without access to a French-Greek dictionary.
Because we need to know, and because people need
to know, more than ever we need a sociology rooted
in its scientific endeavor. Of course, it must have the
specificity of its object of study, and thus of its theories
and methods, without mimicking the natural sciences
in a futile search for respectability. And it must have a
clear purpose of producing objective knowledge (yes!
there is such a thing, always in relative terms), brought
about by empirical observation, rigorous theorizing,
and unequivocal communication. Then we can argue
- and we will! - about the best way to proceed with
observation, theory building, and formal expression of
findings, depending on subject matter and methodological
traditions. But without a consensus on sociology
as science - indeed, as a specific social science - we
sociologists will fail in our professional and intellectual
duty at a time when we are needed most. We are needed
because, individually and collectively, most people in
the world are lost about the meaning of the whirlwind
we are going through. So they need to know which
kind of society we are in, which kind of social processes
are emerging, what is structural, and what can be changed
through purposive social action. And we are needed
because without understanding, people, rightly, will
block change, and we may lose the extraordinary
potential of creativity embedded into the values and
technologies of the Information Age."
Comment the photo
Fri 31 Oct 2014 02:47
" (yes! there is such a thing, always in relative terms) "
(y) Nice kille! Han peppade mig på sociologi x)
(y) Nice kille! Han peppade mig på sociologi x)
Wed 29 Oct 2014 22:24
Hans syntax är om något i mitt omtycke, hihi. Bisatser med bindestreck är så fint!
6 comments on this photo