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General anesthesia pre-op instructions for oral surgery: >> << (Download)
General anesthesia pre-op instructions for oral surgery: >> << (Read Online)
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Please review and follow these instructions before undergoing any surgery involving anesthesia at either of our offices in Tucson or Oro Valley, AZ.
SURGERY & ANESTHESIA PRE-OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS. Patients scheduled for surgery under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation must not eat or drink anything (except to take prescription medication) for at least 6 hours prior to their appointment, and must be accompanied by a licensed driver who will wait
If your general dentist has taken X-rays, you may bring them with you, but we may still take our own x-rays if needed. Insurance will NOT pay for a second X-ray to be taken. If you are anticipating General Anesthesia or Oral Sedation you MUST: Not consume alcohol for 48 hours before surgery. Remember to fast! This means
This is an outpatient procedure that will be performed in our office with a local anesthesia and a sedative taken by mouth, nitrous oxide/"laughing gas" sedation, intravenous conscious sedation or general anesthesia. The following is a list of pre-operative instructions that will help keep you as comfortable as possible before,
Do not have eat or drink anything (not even water) after midnight the night before your surgery appointment. Do not wear tight clothing on the day of appointment. Use restroom 30 minutes before appointment time. Do not ignore a head or a chest cold when oral surgery is to be performed.
Pre-Operative Instructions. In preparation for your up coming procedure, please take note of the following: If you are opting for general anesthesia/ intravenous sedation, do not eat or drink anything 6 hours prior to your appointment and make sure you have an adult present to escort you home. (Local anesthesia has no food
Instructions Preceding Surgery. If you chose to have general anesthesia or intravenous sedation, do not have anything to eat or drink, including water, after Midnight the night before surgery. If you take medications regularly, you should take them with small sips of water at the regular time.
1 Jul 2013 Pre-Operative Instructions for Surgery and Anesthesia. GENERAL: • Prepare for your post-operative period so that your experience and outcome is the best it can be. Read instructions provided. Your doctor and/or surgical assistant will review the post-operative procedures after your surgery, giving you an
Follow these instructions before being given intravenous anesthesia and prepare for your oral surgery procedure with Drs. Lakha & Baird in Palo Alto CA.