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Skyrim wiki oblivion classes guide: >> << (Download)
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Sorcerer. Specialization: Magic. Attributes: Endurance, Intelligence. Skills: Alchemy. Alteration. Conjuration. Destruction. Heavy Armor. Mysticism. Restoration.
For example, Altmer gain bonuses to magic-based skills, making them better suited for the mage class than other races. Each character class This option was first seen in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall and carried over to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, with Baurus's recommendation during the tutorial. The Elder Scrolls V:
20 Apr 2013 Be sure to check out my other (fully fleshed out) builds for more of my work, as well as the Classes event tag for other takes on Elder Scrolls classes. Warrior. Build Info: .. Psiberzerker Anarchist's Oblivion Sorcerer is also a good example, being based on Oblivion's version of the Sorcerer. Knight. Build Info:
17 Sep 2017 Standard Classes. The following table shows the seven Major Skills, the Specialization type, and the two Favored Attributes for each of the standard classes in Oblivion. Click on the class name to jump to the summary class description found lower on this page.
8 Apr 2012 Character Building - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: How you design your character at the beginning of Oblivion will have far reaching consequences as to how you play the game. Make sure you think long
16 Nov 2017 This page is designed as a guide to creating an Ultimate Character. An Ultimate Character is a character who has been completely customized and retrofitted with a mostly predetermined list of skills, attributes, and equipment that have been determined as appropriate for end game optimization. An ultimate
8 May 2013 Summary[edit]. Different character classes are available and pre-programmed within the Oblivion game. But also there's the tantalizing option of creating a brand new, customized class. Caution when making a brand new, customized class. It will mean a little calculation in the beginning on the part of the
26 Oct 2017 1 General Considerations. 1.1 Race and Gender; 1.2 Birthsign; 1.3 Standard Classes; 1.4 Custom Class Specialization; 1.5 Custom Class Favored Attributes; 1.6 Custom Class Skills. 1.6.1 Most Used Skills; 1.6.2 Controllable Skills; 1.6.3 Training Skills. 2 Character Types. 2.1 Fighter; 2.2 Mage; 2.3 Thief
21 Jun 2016 This extensive guide covers every skill, perk, and even standing stone needed to re-live Oblivion classes in Skyrim.