Tuesday 26 December 2017 photo 5/9
Quite drunk rammus guide: >> http://dil.cloudz.pw/download?file=quite+drunk+rammus+guide << (Download)
Quite drunk rammus guide: >> http://dil.cloudz.pw/read?file=quite+drunk+rammus+guide << (Read Online)
Now I know some people are going to say: "Well you can't out-tank Rammus, duh," which is true, but endgame, Drunken Rage's damage reduction does practically nothing. With 150 armor, it only Normally, I build Sheen first (He has few problems surviving early game), then Ninja Tabi and Spirit Visage. Next, I buy Chain
Popping drunken rage and throwing a barrel ahead and detonating just as I hit with body slam was a pretty devastating initial attack. Since Gragas is at heart a support type, getting Mejal stacks will be no problem (Plenty of assists in team fights), so once he is built up you have quite a juggernaut character
Download Quite drunk rammus guide: ilo.cloudz.pw/download?file=quite+drunk+rammus+guide Read Online Quite drunk rammus guide: ilo.cloudz.pw/read?file=quite+drunk+rammus+guide I main Gragas in 5's quite a bit, and for that - I go tank with a strong AP punch. All of the "best" guides I have read say AD
In Mid- and Lategame you should have enough manaregen to not rely on Drunken Rage's extra mana anymore. It's best to keep this ability ready, so you can instantly use it when a teamfight breaks out. It's very hazardeous if Drunken Rage runs out in the middle of the fray and can cost you your fat life. So it's best to keep it
28 Nov 2015
League of Legends Summoner data forQuite drunk 21086611 in euw. Contains statistics, match data and more to help players analyze and improve performance.
Gragas seems interesting. I heard his Body Slam CD is extremely low and this drunken badass can take a hit. I also love the whole idea of using a drunk dwarf dude. That sounds pretty cool. Rammus was recommended to me by a friend. He seems quite nice. I love the idea of taunting the enemy champion near a building
3 Dec 2013
5 Feb 2014 Rammus is by far my favorite champ to play. From season 1 through season 4 he has never gotten old. I played my very first LoL game as Rammus and my love for the guy has grown ever since. I have learned quite a few tricks and wish to share those and my Rammus experience with the world. You are
5 Feb 2016