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Svetlen tonchev waveguide: >> << (Download)
Svetlen tonchev waveguide: >> << (Read Online)
Other area of interests and experience includes the development of different devices in ferroelectrical waveguides, as well as optical, electro-optical and spectroscopic (IR, Micro- and Waveguide-Raman Spectroscopy) characterization. Skills: Excellent analytical and problem solving skills;; Strong practical laboratory skills;
Structured Y2O3 Waveguides. Anna Og. Dikovska,*1 Svetlen H. Tonchev,2 Cvetelin Vasilev,3 Petar A. Atanasov1. 1 Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tsarigradsko chaussee, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria. Fax: (+359) 2 975 32 01; E-mail: 2 Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian
Aug 23, 2012 A radially periodic slab waveguide grating of concentric circular lines composed of a corrugated quartz substrate and a ZnS waveguiding layer under the con. Svetlen Tonchev. Laboratoire Hubert Curien UMR CNRS 5516, 18 rue du Professeur Benoit Lauras, Universite de Lyon, Saint-Etienne, France.
Svetlen Tonchev. Alexandre V. Tishchenko; [] Olivier Parriaux. The resonant reflection of a free-space beam from a slab waveguide grating is rendered high bandwidth and angularly robust by using a bimodal high index waveguide. A deep double-sided corrugation gives rise to the coalescence of the resonant reflection
R Barberi, I Dozov, M Giocondo, M Iovane, P Martinot-Lagarde, The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 6 (1 , 1998. 58, 1998. Electro-optic effect in proton exchanged LiNbO/sub 3/and LiTaO/sub 3/waveguides. I Savatinova, S Tonchev, R Todorov, MN Armenise, VMN Passaro, .
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Spectral phase induced by the reflection on a mirror-based waveguide grating in the neighborhood of modal resonance. David Pietroy, Alexandre Tishchenko, Manuel Flury, Olivier Parriaux, Stephane Robert, and Svetlen Tonchev. Author Information
Grating coupled evanescent wave slab waveguide biosensors are now well established about twenty years after they were demonstrated. Brioude, Rachida Saoudi, Daniele Blanc, Stephanie Reynaud, Svetlen Tonchev, Nikolai M. Lyndin, James Molloy, "Resonant grating biosensor platform design and fabrication", Proc.
Jan 25, 2006 Publication Date: 2010. Bookmark. Phase composition of proton-exchanged waveguides in LiNbO3: a spectroscopic studymore. by Mariana Kuneva and Svetlen Tonchev
@article{Jourlin2012ResonantgratingRE, title={Resonant-grating reflection extended to wide-band, large-aperture beams by waveguide-mode coalescence.}, author={Yves Jourlin and Svetlen Tonchev and A. V. Tishchenko and Fanny Lacour and Olivier Parriaux}, journal={Optics express}, year={2012}, volume={20 28},