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Normal lab results pdf: >> << (Download)
Normal lab results pdf: >> << (Read Online)
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CCS = Canadian Cardiovascular Society. CHEP = Canadian Hypertension Education Program. MCC = Medical Council of Canada. Table 1: Vital Signs and Body Mass Index. Parameter. Normal Values. Blood Pressure (Systolic / Diastolic). CHEP 2012. At physicians office (average 5 measurements). < 140 / 90 mmHg.
Cholesterol, plasma. Total— 150-199 mg/dL (3.88-5.15 mmol/L), desirable. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) — Less than or equal to 130 mg/dL (3.36 mmol/L), desirable. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) — Greater than or equal to. 40 mg/dL (1.04 mmol/L), desirable. Complement, serum. C3 – 55-120 mg/dL (550-1200 mg/L).
13 May 2014 The values listed below are generalizations. Each laboratory has specific reference ranges.
Notes: The normal ranges in each laboratory depend on the local population, test methodology and conditions of assay, units, and a variety of additional circumstances. * The units for enzyme activities are especially sensitive to such circumstances. The normal ranges above are typical, but the normal ranges established for
ACT Ambulance Service Clinical Management Manual. Uncontrolled when printed. The latest version of this document is available on the ACT Ambulance Service internet site. Page 1 of 1. NORMAL BLOOD VALUES. Arterial Blood Gases: pH. 7.36 - 7.44. PaO2. 85 - 100 mm Hg. PaCO2. 36 - 44 mm Hg. O2 content.
Reference range values are for apparently healthy people and often overlap significantly with values for those who are sick. Actual values may vary significantly due to differences in assay methodologies and standardization. Institutions may also set up their own reference ranges based on the particular populations that
This table lists reference ranges (expressed in both SI units and traditional units) for the most common laboratory tests and is intended for interpretation of the results as they are provided in the examinations. Most of the values apply to adults and where they differ for children it will be indicated. Many important laboratory
A-Z TESTS BIOCHEMISTRY. Specimen requirements and reference ranges for blood analyses (Adults). Analyte. Reference range. Turnaround time. Specimen notes. 11-deoxy cortisol. 5.0-12.1 nmol/L. 4 weeks. Yellow top tube (Serum). Must be sent to the laboratory on ice for immediate separation. 17 ? OH Progesterone.
LABORATORY VALUES (see inside back cover for continuation). * Included in the Biochemical Profile (SMA-12). REFERENCE RANGE. SI REFERENCE INTERVALS. BLOOD, PLASMA, SERUM. * Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), serum .. 8-20 U/L . 8-20 U/L. Amylase, serum .
Laboratory Reference Ranges. Reference ranges vary among laboratories. The listed reference ranges should be used when interpreting laboratory values presented in ESAP™. Conventional units are listed first with SI units in parentheses. Lipid Values. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.