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18 May 2012 We often get asked about firsts in printing history in the Rare Book Division. Machinae novae Favsti Verantii siceni (Venice, 1595) known as Machinae Novae, or New Machines, contains some of the first printed images related to engineering and machinery.
Fausto Veranzio (circa 1551 – January 17, 1617) was a polymath and bishop from Sibenik, then part of the Venetian Republic and today part of Croatia. Contents. [hide]. 1 Life. 1.1 Family history; 1.2 Education and political activities. 2 Polymath and inventor. 2.1 Veranzio's parachute; 2.2 Mills and wind turbines; 2.3 Urbanist
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Date: Early 17th century; 17-th; 17th; 17th century. Creation date: 1605; Period: Early 17th century. First issued: 1605; Provenance. Identifier: Institution: Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek - Austrian National Library
His interest in technical ?elds continued with his arrival to Rome in 1609, where he discovered Leonnardo da Vinci's rough sketches of inventions. His capital work “Machinae novae" was published in Florence in l 595 . Vrancic was a philosopher, a priest, a politician, a linguist, a writer, a scientist and an inventor. He was a
10 May 2017 Binding: vellum; spine rebacked; paper label with ink title on front board; ownership stamp of Friedrich Hintze, Bibliothek, Koenigsberg, on front pastedown
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primjer Machinae novae izv. prof. dr. sc. Hrvoje Stancic. Odsjek za informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb Sadrzaj. 1. paziti da 3D printer moze ispisati sve dijelove (velicina). 4. Izrada 3D modela mlina 1. Izrada 3D modela. • izrada pojedinoga dijela (primjer lopatica rotora).
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