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Alivepdf addimagestream examples: >> << (Download)
Alivepdf addimagestream examples: >> << (Read Online)
addImageStream(imageBytes:ByteArray, colorSpace:String, resizeMode:Resize = null, x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0, width:Number = 0, height:Number = 0, .. totalFonts:int [read-only]. Lets you retrieve the total number of fonts used in the PDF document. Implementation public function get totalFonts():int. Example
17 Nov 2011 AlivePDF is being used for the PDF generation, below an example of the pages generated, and here a link to the kind of PDF you can today generate at Why not using AlivePDF with a few lines of code with the addImageStream API to generate a nice PDF with a screenshot on each page, that users could
I now have the AlivePDF library and can generate a PDF, but I'm having trouble using the suggestion from a thread from Mark Hoyland addImage(new Bitmap(myBitmapData),rectangle.x,rectangle.y,image.width,image.height, ImageFormat.JPG, 75); Here is a modified version of my Print example.
28 Aug 2009 With AlivePDF you can create PDF files with Flex. It's a great library with much options. But how to add images to your PDF? There are 2 basic options you can use to add images to the PDF: Using an embedded JPG or PNG (remember: without transparency) myPDF.addImageStream( new
19 Jul 2009 Creating PDF with images using flex and AlivePDF. Author's I used AlivePDF, a very useful ActionScript3 library for PDF generation, and I created a simple class that takes an array of image paths and creates the PDF I need. addImageStream(ByteArray(, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ResizeMode.
9 May 2008 AlivePDF comes with a SWC that you can include in your Flex application, or an Actionscript package you can import to your AS code. Here's a brief, condensed example of how I used AlivePDF in my Flash AIR project. myPDF.addImage (myBackgroundMovieClip, 1 , null, null, false, ImageFormat.JPG
I grabbed an example from "Tour de Flex" but it was built using <mx:Application>. The code for this addPage(); claimPDF.addImageStream(new jpgBytes() as ByteArray, 5, 5, 0, 0, 1); REMOTE, "", "tourdeflex-pdf-sample.pdf");*/ } protected function
8 May 2009 pdf.setFont(FontFamily.ARIAL , Style.NORMAL, 12); pdf.addText("This is a sample text",5,15); pdf.drawCircle(25,35,15); pdf.addPage(); pdf.addImageStream( new pngBytes() as ByteArray ); var fs:FileStream = new FileStream(); file = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath("testPage.pdf"); file, FileMode.
Example This example shows how to add a 100% compression quality JPG image into the current page, and make the image fits : myPDF.addImage (myDisplayObject, 1 , null, null, false, ImageFormat.JPG, 100, 160, 120, 0, 0);
protected function createReportButton_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void. {. var pdf:PDF = new PDF(Orientation.PORTRAIT, Unit.INCHES, Size.LETTER);. pdf.setDisplayMode(Display.REAL);. // Test Printing TitleWindow. pdf.addPage();. pdf.addText("Page 1 - Clipped Image", 1, 1);. pdf.addImage(eiTitleWindow, null, 0,