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John J. Cannell's late 1980's “Lake Wobegon" reports suggested widespread deliberate educator manipulation of norm- . The phenomenon was dubbed the “Lake Wobegon Effect," in tribute to the mythical radio comedy Repeated practice or instruction geared to the format of the test rather than the content domain.
26 Oct 2017 Sea-Floor Depth and the Lake Wobegon Effect. Seth Stein, Carol A. Stein. S. Stein is in the Department of Geological Sciences, Northwestern University,. Evanston, Il 60208, USA. E-mail: C. Stein is in the. Department of Geological Sciences, University of Illinois, Chicago, Il 60607,.
Lake Wobegon effect: “all the children are above average". -- nature of feedback, different criteria for goodness, motivation to feel good about oneself? You are terrific. The self-serving bias. Students: Think about a class you did well in. Think about a class you did poorly in. Professors: Think about a paper you got accepted.
evaluation has generally had little effect on instruction, learning, and achievement. Teacher evaluations often suffer from the “Lake Wobegon effect": Most if not all teachers receive satisfactory evaluation ratings.2 It is ficult to understand from the documents what the districts actually intended." 53 For example, to rate a
By now the “Lake Wobegon Effect" has become famous in public educa- tion. Taken from a description of Garrison Keillor's mythical community,. “where the women are strong, the men are good-looking, and all of the chil- dren are above average," it has become a watchword for how tests can be used to distort achievement.
The “Lake Wobegon Effect," which is widely cited as a potential cause for rising CEO pay, is said to occur because no firm wants to admit to having a CEO who is below average, and so no firm allows its CEO's pay package to lag market expectations. We develop a game-theoretic model of this Effect. In our model, a CEO's
most are unaware that what we term in this article “the Lake Wobegon effect" taints the treatment advice imparted like the children living in Garrison Keillor's mythical Lake Wobegon: above average and thus likely to exceed com/download/pdf/tarceva_prescribing.pdf (accessed May 28,. 2013). Gervais, R., G. Robinet,
of evaluation reports, I believe that what we're witnessing is yet another effect of the rose-colored glasses phenomenon described in. Chapter One. As a result, many school environments today suffer from what. Garrison Keillor referred to as the “Lake Wobegon" effect, where most if not all teaching is rated above average.
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10 Dec 2013 When elderly patients face a terminal illness such as lung cancer, most are unaware that what we term in this article “the Lake Wobegon effect" taints the treatment advice imparted to them by their oncologists. In framing treatment plans, cancer specialists tend to intimate that elderly patients are like the