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9 Jun 2010 As of yet, few research studies have examined the broader utility of social media for the adoption of health promoting and . analysis, we excluded articles where, despite the abstract, there was no useful content related to health communication or social . patient-centered health records. (Google Health
Social Networking. Services. Dr Philippa Collin, University of Western Sydney. Ms Kitty Rahilly, Inspire Foundation. Dr Ingrid Richardson, Murdoch University .. Drawing on articles and reports by academics, industry, non-government and government
Keywords: Social Media, Education, Action Research, Pedagogical strategies knowledge and files. There are problems with the term 'social media', but it will not keep us here where we will show the overall picture (see boyd & Ellison 2007). Six .. 20.9.2009.
1 At around the same time, the modern era of social media was just beginning to come into being. Facebook was founded that February. A year or so later, when “For Public Sociology" was arriving as a printed journal article in people's mailboxes, Mark Zuckerberg began expanding Facebook membership to universities.
What makes social media of particular interest to journalism is how it has become influential as a communication and . online articles are obvious examples, but they are just the beginning. In the TV era, it was . through thousands of documents and assisted in further exposing the MPs' (Members of Parliament) expenses 5 Net Children Go Mobile Final Report . Ball & Vernon, NSPCC, 2014:
Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online). Vol.6, No.6, 2015. 94. Use of Social Media and its Impact on Academic Performance of. Tertiary Institution Students: A Study of Students of Koforidua. Polytechnic, Ghana. M. Owusu-Acheaw1. Agatha Gifty Larson2. 1.
19 Apr 2012 and social interaction within this social setting. This article will advance by discussing the impact that new media technologies are having on social interaction and communication between individuals within the household. 2.4 New Media Technology in the Household. Within the household, there has been
1 Feb 2011 research it tends to be through skimming the journals and talking with people through email. Ancient History/Archaeology is still strong on email lists and isn't yet happy about the ideas of weblogs. Alun Salt (Archaeoastromomist). '' I access information mainly by using social media. I use Twitter and I read a
To cite this article: Gok, T. (2016). The effects of social networking sites on students' studying and habits. International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 2(1), 85- 93. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution,