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Vanilla prot paladin guide: >> << (Download)
Vanilla prot paladin guide: >> << (Read Online)
16 Feb 2018
30 Dec 2017
31 Dec 2016
16 Dec 2017
Hello everyone. I am gonna play paladin in pve server and try to think of the build I will use.. Mind you that I played on other pservers and always had these dilemmas when I had to chose talents My goal is to level solo/duo (when friend is online), Tank in dungeons while leveling and eventually at higher
Both Kralljin and Ronark are correct, but there's more than just one reason for it. Paladin never tanked for a compound of reasons. (Not sure how long you've been playing, so forgive me if I go over anything you already know.) Poor Threat Management. We didn't have Taunt and thus no snap aggro control.
As a Protection specced Paladin, the only real use for agility is a minor increase in armor. Hi all, when i found this guide looking for information about how to tank as paladin in vanilla, i was very surprised, i Learnd that there isn't a one-way method to tank as warrior, as druid or as paladin, good way or
Welcome to Askalon/Whataburger's MLG Protection Paladin guide! This guide will cover optimal AoE off-tanking strategies, gear, and limitations as a Protection paladin in Vanilla WoW. *Note: Almost every single image or colored text in this guide will have a hyperlink or show VG database info if you hover
After all Geared Protection Paladin don't need any special abilities to survive the fight, it's all up to how prepared you enter the raid and willing to waste time focused in your job. visit my youtube channel or ask me in game /w killerduki . I will guide you
30 Dec 2017