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Lucy Movie In Tamil Dubbed Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qxpaw
Lucy, a young American woman living in Taipei, knows that she's in trouble when her casual boyfriend of a few weeks, Richard, a man she doesn't really know well, handcuffs a locked briefcase, contents unknown, to her wrist, forcing her to deliver it to a Mr. Jang in his swanky hotel suite. A scared Lucy quickly learns that Mr. Jang is a drug kingpin who is not averse to killing anyone in carrying out his work. That encounter with Mr. Jang leads to Lucy being forced to act as one of his drug mules, specifically of a powerful, synthetic drug called CPH4. Things start to change for Lucy when she inadvertently absorbs a high dose of CPH4 into her system, leading to several physiological changes to her self, most notably in that she begins to use more and more of her cerebral matter than the usual ten percent of most humans. As Lucy becomes more and more aware of everything around her - a result of the drug - she embarks on two concurrent paths, one being to get back at Mr. Jang and his associates for what they've done to her, including the torture they've inflicted on her. But the other path may trump the first, that second path which includes retrieving the CPH4 from the three other drug mules. It also involves Dr. Samuel Norman, arguably the foremost evolutionary theorist, and Paris Police Captain Pierre Del Rio, the later her touchstone to humanity, that need for a touchstone which becomes more and more important as she approaches her end goal.
The American Lucy is studying in Taiwan and is dating Richard that she met at a nightclub. When Richard has a briefcase to deliver to the mysterious Korean Mr. Jang, he tricks Lucy and cuffs her to the briefcase. Lucy has no other option but to meet Mr. Jang, who is a dangerous drug lord that kills Richard. Lucy discovers that the briefcase contains the synthetic drug CPH4 and she is forced to work to Mr. Jang as drug mule with three other men and transport the drug to Europe hidden in their abdomens. However one of her captors kicks her in the abdomen and releases the CPH4 in her body. Soon Lucy enhances her brain capacity and develops her physical and mental capabilities. She uses her abilities to kill the criminals and flees. However her power does not stop increasing and is destroying Lucy that needs to use more CPH4 to stabilize her body. She contacts Professor Norman, who is an authority in brain capacity, and the scientist becomes her hope to save her. But Mr. Jang wants to retrieve his drug and is hunting Lucy down.
I saw this movie in a hotel room and could hardly stay awake. It is monotonous and hardly dramatic. Nor does it have any comic relief--which would have been very welcome. The stock footage smacks of "acid" scenes from the 70's. Scarjo's acting was good but she gets too smart too fast. Seems to me that having so much brain boosting power coursing through her brain she'd simply flame out. Thank goodness for good old Morgan whose narration saves this terribly boring film. Scarjo seldom speaks with any clarity. Clearly if one wants to explore the human brain's capacity in a scientific way the Chinese mob should not be brought into the laboratory. Perhaps chimps needed to be treated to the blue goo of cells before testing humans. Come on writers, write! Do the research that actually could be related to real science.
Like far too many movies these days, an interesting plot sets the stage for a potentially good movie but it ends with a thud. Yeah, I get it, we only use a small portion of our brains and potentially have the power to do so much more. I suspect the writer/director used less of their brain than the average person uses when the ending of the movie was decided upon. What could have been thought-provoking ended up being a pointless waste of 90 minutes. Like so many other movies that end in what would be, in a book, mid-sentence, I'm left feeling like they simply ran out of film.
Lucy plays more like a big dumb superhero flick than sci-fi.
There is no evidence that humans only use 10% of their brain and that it can be increased. Scientists point out that if it were then some brain damage would have little effect or only affect certain functions, but even minor damage has profound effects. Read this page for more. a5c7b9f00b
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