May 2013
Blickar över horisonten hör fågelns skri i natten. Letar efter ett svar i fronten tårar rinner på kinden. Ser solen gå ner över mark och vatten fågeln hörs ej mer. Endast mitt skrik i natten.
varsegod slå ner mig m du vill e faan inte rädd för dig din jävla fitta!! vill du slå ner mig så visst varsegod jag väntar!
Before you start to judge me, step into my shoes and walk the life im living and if you get as far as i am, just maybe you will see how strong i really am.
i think the most beautiful peopel are the ones who went through the toughest situations in life but still somehow manage to keep a smile on their face, especially if they have a bright personality to
i love you more than i did before, and if today i don't see your face. nothing's changed, no one could take your place. it gets harder everyday