Tuesday 15 May 2012 photo 1/1
Camera info
Camera NIKON D90
Focal length 21 mm
Aperture f/3.8
Shutter 1/15 s
ISO 1600
Comment the photo
Tue 29 May 2012 12:11
Indeed :s Navigating a f*in Boëing 747 in Microsoft Flight Simulator is soon easy-mode compared to FB
Tue 29 May 2012 12:13
HAHAHA so true, so true! I tend to just ignore facebook, especially the posting part and i hate how i cant perve on people on it anymore, since everyone see's everything i do XD
Tue 29 May 2012 12:55
Ahaa so it's not just like that for me :o ....It seems that Facebook and Google finally defeated privacy once and for all then :/
Tue 29 May 2012 12:56
hahah nope, its for everyone xD :D
Yup, its a shame really, i liked how it was before, but now its just BLEH! so back to dayviews =D
Yup, its a shame really, i liked how it was before, but now its just BLEH! so back to dayviews =D
7 comments on this photo