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They Live Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 1080p
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John Nada is a man without job who walks around a big American city trying to find something to do. He finally finds a job as a worker and a place to spend the nights, but one day something terrible happens to him. John discovers a pair of sun-glasses through which he can see the true face of people. Many persons in this city are in fact aliens (from the Andromeda) and most of them are important members of our society. They keep humans in ignorance and they rule our world as they like. Nada must find the rest of the men that know what's happening (those who made the strange sun-glasses) and join them in the fight against the aliens.
John Carpenter's slow and deliberate immersion of the daunting and worrying fable of the corrupt, deceiving and indifferent economic, social and political society, that has wrapped itself around its people and who in turn have blindly accepted their fate. Multicultural in more forms than anticipated, are the leading and upwardly mobile alien race who have gelled themselves into the Human psyche and exploited it to its full potential. This is the story of an everyman, a no one, a Nada who stumbles upon their secret, via an underground movement, whose mission is to sabotage their plans and awaken the world to its sinister plans. With the help of a pair of sunglasses, that shows the world as it really is, not in color, but a black and white parallel world that the sub-conscious has chosen to ignore. With subliminal messages as "OBEY", "CONFORM", "MARRY AND REPRODUCE", "CONSUME", "WATCH TELEVISION" and "SLEEP". It is through this thought control that the aliens have this world tied up and neatly packaged for its own manipulative uses, to further themselves at the expense of the meek, mild and the lowly sufferers of a job less and hungry world. This is the battle of self-awareness and one mans struggle with a reality check that has these alien beings staging war against the up-rising and rebellious armies from the gutters and streets. They Live You Sleep; where will your consciousness take you when the sleep is washed from your eyes. Welcome to the real world.
THEY LIVE (1988) is one of those "80s" movies that eluded me as I was growing up. The two adjectives that you hear most about "80s" movies are 'dated' and 'trivial'. But a funny thing has happened to movies in the 00s. Most movies now are really indistinguishable from each other, no matter what the genre. Summer movies are big on special effects, with no story or good characters. Non-summer movies are either boring Indie flicks or dull mainstream bids to win Oscars. And every other movie is now a remake or a reboot! But in the 80s, it seemed like a movie could be about almost ANYTHING and still be entertaining! Even a lot of "bad" ones are getting re-discovered as cult classics! Go figure.
They Live is another 80s movie that has managed to reach the level of cult status, but that's not surprising given the source...John Carpenter! Who is fast moving up my list of favorite directors! I already had been a big fan since the 80s of his no-holds-barred cult action comedy Big Trouble in Little China and have recently gotten around to watching (and loving!) his atmospheric and spooky horror flick The Fog. There's a nonchalance and unassuming quality with which Carpenter directs his flicks that is really inviting. He doesn't overdo it with camera action or music. Rather, he focuses on the characters and dialog allow them to drive the action, rather than the other way around, and sets a tone and mood that permeates throughout his movies.
They Live starts off very methodical and slow, establishing the main character and a couple of minor ones very well while setting an ominous, foreboding tone, and once it gets going, it REALLY gets going! It had been years since I'd seen it until recently, but I remember totally liking this effort and now have come to appreciate for how psychic and clever it really is!
They Live stars 80s wrestling icon Roddy Piper (in a surprisingly persuasive performance) as a "John Doe" style drifter who finds work at an LA construction site. There he meets fellow worker Frank (a solid Keith David) and the 2 live at a local shelter that is run by Gilbert (reliably played by Peter Jason, who later played a role in Carpenter's anthology flick Body Bags). Piper's character finds out that the shelter is a front for a secret organization, that gets raided by the police, but not before Piper finds a box of sunglasses in the group's hideout. After donning a pair of the glasses, he sees the light! The world has been infiltrated by aliens who have worked their way up through societal ranks and hold key positions of power and authority (businessmen, police, newscasters, politicians) and all the signs and media carry subliminal messages that force the general populace to conform, submit, and obey! Then there is this long sequence where Piper discovers the magnitude and scope of the alien threat via the sunglasses that is truly spooky and scary, and he proceeds to go on an alien-killing spree! During his escape, he kidnaps a local yuppie named Holly (played by the beautiful Meg Foster in an all-too-small role) and tries to convince her of the alien threat.
While They Live has several moments of hilarity (most notably in some of Piper's dialog) and has a comic air about it at times, it is mostly a serious film with an important message. Piper's blasé dialog actually complements the horror and action scenes as it's coming from a character that is at a crossroads in his life: he's homeless, with little to no hope of a good future, and is in "last straw" mode, BUT he also has a heart (as illustrated in his connections with both Holly and Frank) and morals and defeating the aliens is his way of saying that he does count and can make a difference.
Yeah, I know it all sounds cheesy and cliché, but the movie never feels like that to me. While the effects are cheap (which is intended since this is a very low budget B movie) and the dialog is purposefully tongue-in-cheek, the message and the way Carpenter tells the story is most certainly NOT cheesy or cornball! They Live is actually one of the more provocative low-budget flicks I've ever seen! The drab black-and-white world that is relayed through the sunglasses is actually pretty scary-looking, relaying a cold and empty feeling. The movie is actually pretty disturbing and violent, with the big alleyway fight scene, as well as the attacks on the shelter and the underground basement, and of course in the climax. The main stars Piper, David, and Foster really do a great job with the serious moments and making the viewer believe in the imminent threat.
The film's ending is simply smashing, simultaneously ambiguous and yet somehow uplifting. They Live is a pleasing blend of horror, satire, comedy, action and is grounded in a lot of truth! My fave from John Carpenter!
The core message is one I agree with, too bad this movie lacks in all the fundamentals. This is one of the flattest movies I've ever seen.
Rody Piper and Meg Foster are terrible. There are so many reaction shots of Piper where he puts on a thousand-yard stare. Thank god for Keith David! If not for him I don't think I could finish the movie.
There is one piece of the flattest, dullest "blues" music that just keeps playing over and over and over again. It changes slightly here and there but it seriously feels like 50% of the film is set to the same eight bars of music.
The heroes win by being totally impervious to gunfire, accept the one time they get shot and die, because otherwise there wouldn't be a conclusion to the story, I guess. So much of the movie is the heroes running down hallways and shooting frantically at the bad guys while the bad guys spray them back and hit nothing.
Piper's character just seems to stumble from scene to scene. He literally falls through a hole to find the alien's lair. He never comes up with a plan other than, "run and shoot the aliens." No explanation is given for how his character obtained his action star abilities.
Plot holes:
The aliens recruit a homeless man to be one the co-conspirators in their regime. This is after we see the aliens tear down an entire shanty town of homeless people. What the aliens get out of having this homeless person as an ally, I have no idea. This character's return not only is a plot hole, it totally goes against the themes and spirit of the film.
The protagonist succeeds by shooting the alien's broadcasting dish. The one dish they have that they use to control all of the people's perceptions in LA. There's no backup plan if, for whatever reason, the aliens loose their one dish. And these guys have faster-than-light space travel.
The looniest movie of the season and also one of the most engaging. [7 Nov 1988]
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